I recently bought a 2006 Prius. I didn't see the section in the owner's manual about cleaning the leather with woolite, but instead used a leather cleaner and conditioner that worked great on my previous cars. It's a Florida car and the previous owner didn't have tint so the leather felt a bit dry. To my horror, the leather cleaner rubbed the color off the leather! Does anyone know how to care for coated leather and is there anything that I can do to repair the minor damage that I caused? Cost of repairs? Is there anything that I can do to safely soften up the leather that was baked in the sun?
You should also check with some of the auto detailing forums that are online. I don't have any specific products to recommend, but do know there are do it yourself level leather upholstery dyes that work. I shouldn't cost you much if you do it yourself.
Before I traded my other car in on the Prius, I used a product called SEM interior leather paint. If you can find a local auto paint store, they should have a rack of this product. Get a salesman to bring out various cans to your car and compare the tops to your leather seats to get the closest shade. You must be careful to mask off EVERYTHING inside your car before spraying, but I got great results on the old car. In fact the rep at Toyota remarked how nicely the old leather seats were. Of course, I did not reveal my secret! Good Luck.