I've had my car a year and a half with low miles (15000) and am starting to hear a squeking / rattling noise from the sunroof or solar panel. I haven't figured out which it is yet but it is quite annoying. I lightly pounded / tapped the sunroof and solar panel with my palm to see if I could hear the noise that way but I couldn't. After doing that the noise went away for a few days but came back. Anyone else hearing this?
I haven't. Mine is the same vintage (pre-Sep 09), with about the same mileage. I do get the typical dash/console rattles, particularly in the cold weather.
rstark18, I've had the same rattling noise and it seems somewhat temperature specific, and only when it's opened to the default "auto-open" stop. If I open the roof to it's maximum opening, or close it to any point NOT at the auto-open stop, the noise is not present. Additionally, the noise is only really present when it's about 80°F outside +/- 5°. When much cooler like in the upper 60's, I don't hear it. If it's much cooler (or above 85°F), I generally don't open the roof anyway. When I reported it at my last service interval, they were unable to reproduce it, but they "greased the heck out of it" to be sure. They also explained that the roof doesn't really have much adjustment to it. I'm wondering if that "default" position is wearing to some point creating some play.