New guy from Georgia. Traded in my 2009 GMC Sierra for a Classic Silver 2010 Prius III last week! Went from 16.5 mpg to 50.6 mpg to date! I do miss my truck and the V-8 sound, but I really enjoy passing the gas station and not worrying about fill-ups any more. I am saving about $120 a month in gas alone! :rockon: Been browsing the forums for a few weeks, and appreciate all the information and experiences shared. It was a tough decision to give up my truck, but the more I drive my Prius the more I love it. The Gen III really is an improvement over the Gen II, as I had previously looked at getting a Prius, but the Gen II just didn't have quite enough power for me. The deal was pretty good on the new car as well with the $1500 dealer cash and the dealer gave me a good amount for my truck. First time I ever left a dealership with a check and a new car! Can't beat that! Look forward to learning more as I go and breaking the new car in and seeing what the mileage does. Great car!
Someday I want to do this!!I bet you had a big smile on your face !! When gas is 5 Bucks a gallon you will really be happy. Had both, GEN III is top! Best car for the money
As someone said, that is quite a leap. If you don't need the hauling ability and/or AWD, the Prius does make more sense. We like the Prius (wife's commuter car bought in C4C) but do prefer our Lexus RX400h. My favorite is my BMW 330Cic, it doesn't do much better on gas than your Sierra.
Welcome ! I was concerned about giving up my Jeep GC and the hauling ability. I have been pleasantly surprised at how much I can get in the Prius. I just brought a Sony Trinitron 34" CRT TV back from my daughter's house. My son-in-laws both swore that there was no way that TV would fit but it slid right in. The only thing I have found so far that I could not carry were two 36" entrance doors and frames. But, I do have a son in town with a pickup truck !! Enjoy your new ride !
If this was meant for me ... I work at a paper mill and that is in the middle of pickup truck country. Yes, I have had a few give me a hard time, mainly about the looks of the car, but overall most of the comments have been more inquisitive and once they understand the technology behind the car, and especially the gas mileage, they are more impressed. I have one of two Prius at the mill, but we do have several Civic hybrids. Most of the hybrid owners are the engineers or E/I mechanics. I also do not really care about what someone else thinks. I love my Prius and if anyone has a problem with that, that is their problem and certainly not mine.
You have certainly taken a huge downsize step, so congratulations. You'll find lots of support here at PriusChat. I somtimes use my Prius like a truck as the rear cargo capacity with seats folded down make for a lot of room. Happy Motoring, Tom
Thank you for the warm welcome! It was quite a change coming out of a full-size truck, but I don't miss the fuel bill! I never really used it as much as I thought I would, so it made more sense for me to downsize and the 50 mpg was a huge incentive. I won't lie, I enjoyed the ride and having the visibility it provided and that V-8 sound will be missed (had Magnaflow dual exhaust - love the sound of a small block). To Coach81 - I have taken a few jabs for leaving the truck behind, but I am more concerned with saving where I can and trying something that helps reduce my consumption of foreign oil. I have always liked cars that are a little different, so the Prius fits the bill just fine. You have to be happy with what you drive and that is the only opinion that matters in my book. My wife has a Honda Odyssey, so we have plenty of space to haul the kids and stuff when needed and it is a very safe vehicle for family travel. Overall, I am pleased with our little fleet and look forward to years of Prius ownership!
people should be thankful we're saving gas so they can drive their gas guzzlers. they're impressed that i only stop at a gas station every 3 weeks. they're impressed when they are comfortable in the rear seat. they're impressed when the car is quiet at a stop light. and they are impressed when i put it in power mode and take off. .
:welcome: Greetings and Welcome Aboard!!! I still have my 09 Sierra (The Prius is a company vehicle) but I'm getting closer to 20-MPG. I like driving the Prius a LOT, and it's cool to have a for-real car that gets better mileage than my Kawasaki...and almost double the mileage of my Harley!! I think you'll enjoy the Prius. I thought I'd reeeally miss joys of turning a gallon of gasoline into a symphony of sight, sound and acceleration on a back road somewhere, but I really don't so much. I'll probably have to keep a truck for a while----but I don't think I'll go back to using one for daily transportation. BEST OF LUCK!!! Read. Learn. ENJOY!!!