Anyone know if the NHW10 (1997-2001 Japan model) and the NHW 11 (2001-2003 USA model) are exactly the same on the outside? I've found someone in Japan that window rain deflectors/vent visors for the NHW10. I have a 2001 Prius (USA version) but before I buy them I need to make sure the window dimensions are exactly the same. Please email me at lnewcomb at or newcomb.larry at
Absolutely, I just don't want to say until I order and they get here and they work. I don't want to send you guys off to buy them it ends up being a scam or the part doesn't fit or its crap parts. As soon as I get them I'll let you guys know. They are expensive though. I'm paying with shipping, etc.. $160 for the full set, which in my book is really expensive but I live in Florida and I absolutely need them. On those days that it gets over 100 here getting in the car is not pleasant...
i live in FL also and would like this on my NHW11, based on the profiles of the car i can say NHW10 is exactly the same window frame as the NHW11. but im not sure unless i saw one in person.
I wonder if the 2000 or so "Echo" would be close to the correct shape/size. The rain shields seem to be available for those models. I'm not a good judge of body design via photo comparison though.
I got side photos of many cars and put them into Autocad and then tracked the side profile of the 2001 Prius. I haven't created a template yet, but I think the 2001-2002 Corolla may be a close fit. The Echo doesn't work. I've also tried a few others like Civic, Accord, Sentra, etc... My resolve was to go find someone in Japan that had a stock of them for the Japanese NHW10...
I was able to get a Ford Focus rear to 'work'. But in your survey, did you find a front window that had just a problem with the bend at the front top of the window? The reason I ask is it may be possible to heat that bend area and straighten or curve just that spot and get a usable fit. Could you share the length and angles measured for the front window edge? The only thing missing would be window curvature. Thanks, Bob Wilson
Got my shipment from Japan in yesterday. The window vent visors look fantastic, are made by Toyota (Japan) and they fit my 2001 Prius perfect. I haven't put them on yet though because if Toyota is not going to make them anymore I'm considering taking them to make a mold and make a few for people in the US, and so I'll have a spare set in the future if one gets broken. You can buy a set from: K. Yamada Yamada at Trendyinformation [email protected] Please let him know I sent you. I don't get anything for sending you to him, but I want to see how many people actually buy a set. He told me in emails that he only has two sets left, but we'll see how that goes and if that was the truth... They cost 11,000 yen (whatever that translates into the current exchange rate) plus shipping. Mine cost me $160.00. I think that is a lot to pay but considering it is the only place in the world I could actually find them (including emailing numerous Toyota dealerships and parts warehouses in Japan) I am happy to have them. I'll take photos of them in profile and email to you guys. Perhaps that will help find something from other model cars that will fit... Email me at newcomb . larry @ gmail . com and I will email you a copy of the invoice so you have all their contact info...
One other idea. After emailing K. Yamada about these he/she told me that Toyota probably wasn't going to be making more of them. I want to contact Toyota in Japan about this in an email but can't find anything on the internet with their email address. Anyone here on this list have an email for the sales, parts, R&D, etc. so that I can contact them? If they are going to keep making the window visors in Japan we can simply buy them from there and have them shipped here... and I won't go through the trouble of making of mold of the ones I have.
I got the vents this morning. The first thing I'll do is get some cardboard and rolled paper and make templates. Then I'll see what I can do about taking photos and digitizing them. Done properly, I can publish the digitized dimensions here and in "Prius Technical Stuff" and we'll have them in the public domain. The follow-up will be to see if any of the 'usual suspects' have something that can be trimmed down. We don't need perfect as much as 'good enough.' Bob Wilson
Around 2003, Toyota adopted the Prius Gen 1 body for the Corolla modifying the rear deck. I don't know if rain guards are available for the Corolla, but if so they should fit the Prius.
Wow, that would be cool, those are selling relatively inexpensively on Ebay right now. Temped to order 2 sets. Wish I could somehow compare two side photos one of each model, with digital comparison ability.
Had some Ebay Bucks, so I ordered a set of Rain Deflectors for the 2003, 2004 Toyota Corolla. Will let everyone know if they work or not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Corolla Rain Deflectors arrived, they are marked 06 though, yet I ordered for the 2003. Good news, preliminary fit, seems they will work, not exactly a perfect fit, but I think they will function and not look terribly out of the ordinary. It's way to cold (25F) outside to try and install them permanently. I did go ahead and tape them on with scotch tape to see how they were going to look. Click here to see the look: Gen1 w/Corolla Rain Deflectors