Just got home with my "extended test drive".. my honest thoughts before I took it from the dealership were. "I'm just gonna try it out.. and see.. but I'll probably not get it now.. just gonna wait for the PHV" Then I started driving it.. of course the salesman gave me a decked out Prius III with Nav & Sunroof. I have got to tell you.... when the rear backup camera came on.. I said WOW.. and when I saw the readout read 100 MPG while driving only electric through the neighborhood.. IT FELT SOOO GOOD!!! I have the car until 1 PM tomorrow.. I can easily afford the payments..but my truck is still in great shape.. and Paid OFF!!! I have until tomorrow to decide.. I know what you guys all want me to do.. Oh and by the way... the salesman did make the comment "so this is gonna be for your wife, right?" WTH????
No self-respecting Louisiana boy would be caught dead in one of them Priasses, especially if your truck is paid-off! Run from the car as fast as you can. Happy Motoring, Tom
Coach, I see you don't have a garage? How will that work for you with a PHV Prius? Will you run an extension cord?
I'd say it depends on when you plan to take those Christmas lights down. If you're going to take them down before Mardi Gras, buy the Prius. You're not enough of a redneck to worry about giving up the truck. Good Luck with your decision!!!
I have been reading all of your posts. It seems like you really want this vehicle and you would really enjoy driving it. Money is not the issue, as you state you can afford it. Life is to be enjoyed. You only get one shot in this world. Make the most of it. Splurge once in a while.
You are already driving a foreign vehicle, so people complaining about you buying foreign is ridiculous, you are simply moving from a truck to a car, again its stupid for them to complain. The Prius will get better gas mileage, will give you loads of fun times and high tech, and a much better pocketbook, it will literally pay part of your car payment with gas savings, and with 0% interest and/or end of the year dealer discount, yeah that's no reason to buy. LOL Joking of course, if you want it, don't let people discourage you, they will very soon realize how stupid they are, when you grin at your fantastic ride and great gas mileage and savings.
This is easy for an outsider to say. But if your truck is paid off, AND you can "easily" afford the payments...is there any way you could concievably keep both? I think an efficient, economical automobile as a primary, with a utilitarian vehicle such as a truck...as a weekend or occasional useage vehicle, is a great combination. I'm a huge fan of Prius...I'd recommend them to anyone. But if your truck is paid off...you like it...and it's in good shape, be careful not to be distracted by the simple comparison of "new" and exciting vs. Old an familiar... I've said to other posters in similar situations..A Prius is not a truck, or a 4 wheel drive...you get a whole different set of benefits and realities with a Prius. IMO if it's NOT a cost issue either in purchase or maintenance having a Prius and a Truck would be ideal. If you use your Prius 90% of the time plus? You can Dorian Grey your pick-up... In the world today? If it did come down to I can only have 1 vehicle. I'd pick the most efficient, that meets the most of my needs...so that would be The Prius in this case....
Well, ignore the nav and sunroof unless you find you really like them. Our III has neither, and I'm not missing them. The III's base audio system is the 6-disk JBL/satellite unit. Not everyone likes it, but it sure makes a lot of sound... Since the truck is paid for, why not keep it for hauling and dirty jobs? Downgrade the insurance as much as you can and just use it when you really need it. This assumes you have a place to keep it, of course. I think it's good to have a mix of vehicles to match the job at hand. We have our Prius, our son's TT, and a 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan. Whoever drives the furthest gets the Prius, whoever has to haul anything or take the dog (a big Golden) to the vet takes the van...you get the idea. Drive the Prius in as many different settings as you can - interstate, country roads, around town. Flog it and baby it. Run it in every mode. I was amazed at how quickly I figured everything out and got comfortable with the car. I think you'll find it does everything you need and then some. Enjoy!
Mine looks like a spitting image of that - without the sunroof, of course. I love mine, and I must be the only person in this forum that likes the navigation system. It's not as snappy as Garmin, but then again - it can't be STOLEN like all of my previous seperate GPSes were either (without taking the ENTIRE car). I like it, though white DOES show dirt more so you are inclined to keep it clean a lot more.
I'll tell you what I would do: 1) Keep the truck until the cost of maintenance and gas-difference exceeds the payments of a new Prius. 2) Sleep easily at night knowing that you are part of the rare breed who could easily afford a new car but didn't run out and buy one. 3) Save the money for retirement. 4) Retire earlier. or 4) Retire more comfortably. or 4) Build a garage because (currently) you aren't supposed to use an extension cord with the PHV.
+1 IMHO, keeping old car is even greener than buying a new prius. Unless you drive insane numbers of miles and fuel saving alone will pay for your new car.
+ another one. All banter aside, that's probably the best advise you'll get on this subject. I'd reeeeeeally like to have a Prius of my own, and I can easily afford one however (comma) the 300 bucks that I would be shelling out every month for the Prius payment would buy 100-additional gallons of fuel, which is a lot more than I use in a month. Good Luck with your decision!!!
I've tried mine and the 2010 without backup camera (no nav) and, I wouldn't buy a Prius without backup camera. It's just too darn hard to really judge distance behind the car when backing up. Sure, not supposed to rely on it too much and I don't, but when I need to park at a curb and back up to tight space, the camera is a lifesaver. It's that or get out of the car, look, move a foot, look, repeat.
We have a winner!!!!! After putting about 70 miles on the "test drive" prius... and averaging almost 60 mpg...which I LOVED.. I can come up with the following: Pros: 1. MPG of course 2. The "Challenge" of getting every mile I can out of the battery 3. The back up camera 4. The JBL sound 5. The sunroof 6. The overall ride of the vehicle 7. The smartkey and more... Cons: 1. The Payment every month 2. The rear beeping 3. The navigation was really bad 4. Not used to being "low" on the roads anymore 5. Missed the power and get up of the V6 guzzler 6. Nearly EVERYONE I know gave me grief about it.. and a few more.. So after driving the vehicle all day.. and thinking really hard about it.. I have decided to put my Prius purchase on "hold" for the near future. I hope what you say about a garage is not true, I hope I can either drop a power outlet near my driveway and use it, or use an extension cord for the PHV if I decide to get it. If not, I will be very disappointed. Overall I really like the vehicle, but alas.. it makes more sense for me to just stick with the truck for now.. and save my pennies for June 2012 Thanks to all of you for hanging with me through all of this... I'll be around..