I recently purchased a used 2007 Toyota Prius with 44,000k on the odometer. The previous owner replaced the OEM tires with Cooper CS4 touring tires. I contacted Cooper tires to determine if these tires were considered LRR tires. They emailed me back and said that they are not LRR tires. I am considering replacing these tires with a set of LRR tires. I am in the preliminary stages of determining which LRR tire to choose. Does anyone have any recommendations? For those of you who have LRR tires do you notice a significant increase in MPG? Thanks in advance...
Use the search function and you'll find a plethora of information in the subject. Most of the info is located in the GenII MAINTENANCE FORUM.
I just bought the Continental procontact with ecoplus technology a few weeks ago. Its a new LRR tire. I recommend them because they are dramatically quieter than the original tires and they aren't absurdly expensive like the Michelin energy savers. they were 77$ at america's tires co. Continental ProContact with EcoPlus Technology
Have you checked out TireRack: you can specify your vehicle, and then say to show only LRR. Obviously still a lot of variation, but a good tool for seeing all the possibilities: Tire Search Results The Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 look good to me
I went with the Bridgestone Ecopia EP100. The price was good at $75, and they did well in tirerack.com test results. We have about 4000 miles on them (and now removed from the car in place of dedicated snow tires). We saw a bump of a couple miles per gallon over the previous tires (not OEM). I am very happy with the Ecopia's. I also keep the front tires at 44psi and the rear at 40psi (no matter the tire I use).
For those of you who have LRR tires do you notice a significant increase in MPG? Thanks in advance Last September I put a set of Ecopia 422's on our '08. We now have about 4500 miles on them and we're getting a solid 4 mpg improvement over the OE Goodyears. Good luck in your search. David