I live in LA and just bought a 2011 Prius IV with solar roof package. Got it for $25,000 (before tax/dmv/tire fee, etc. and factoring in finance charge) at 2.8% for 60 months. The $25,000 is $28,500 minus a $3,500 rebate I got for SoCal's VRRRM program, which allowed me to trade in my fully-owned 1994 Volvo 850 (which had no stereo, no ac, no heat...really nothing but a running engine). Nice, since KBB probably put that Volvo's value at around $800...if I'm lucky. So how'd I do?
Fact or (creative) fiction? In my area a plain IV 2010 is being priced at $25K before TTL & other fees.
yes they are offering 0%, at least here in Indiana. we got 0% for 60 months on ours that we brought home about 3 weeks ago. haven't seen ANY 2011's advertised at all around here. several out west in CA, NV and TX.
"upon further review......" I checked 'cars.com' and found over 2,600 NEW 2011 Prius' listed for sale. 2011's!!! I checked a couple of the VIN's. tenth digit is a "B". maybe someone at Toyota released them a bit early? "Who let the 2011's out??? ARF, ARF, ARF......"
It's definitely a 2011. The downside to the deal was that I couldn't get the 0%/60 months or 0.9%/36 months, since that's only for 2010's. But since there were basically zero 2010 black prius IV's with solar in SoCal (think I called 20+ dealerships), I really had no choice. $28,500 - $3,500 was the price. Granted, this doesn't include taxes/fees/dmv/etc., or factoring in the 2.8% finance charge into 60 monthly payments, so it gets closer to $30,000 with high Santa Monica sales taxes and the finance charge. Though I don't plan on taking the full 60 to pay it off.
Well done a-dogg! We live in Florida and really appreciate the solar roof. In the summer, the cars interior could potentially get well over 120 degrees in hot parking lots. The ventilated cabin makes a huge difference in the cabin temps when we get back into the Prius and the A/C blows cool air sooner because the ducts arent a thousand degrees. Craig
FWIW, it's always trouble to ask "did I get a good deal" after you buy. It's hard for you to get a real answer to your question, since you traded a car (so you really didn't pay $25,000), and took advantage of the VRRRM rebate. That aside, the real question is how much of a discount vs. MSRP is the $28,500? Assuming the VRRRM rebate is a government set amount that you'd get at any dealer, it doesn't come into the equation from my perspective, in terms of comparing one dealer's price to another's. I assume you did your research, shopped a few dealers, and this was the best deal you were offered. Enjoy your car.
Solid point. Actually, not all dealers in SoCal take VRRRM, but let's pull it out of the equation. Edmunds sys MSRP is $31,540 for a 2011 IV w/ solar roof. Invoice is apparently $28,949. Additionally, the guy threw in the lighted door sills for free, but no need to include those. So if we go with that, I got ~$3,000 under MSRP. Granted, no one in their right mind pays MSRP, but... I definitely enjoy the car. Just wanted to bounce my price off the wisdom of other Prius owners. Shame tax was ~$3,000. This is where being part of a seceded militia state would pay off! Though I'd then probably have to pay grey market import fees, so...
The AAA price for 90210 is $29974 for a IV solar with illuminated door sills. $29874 is the invoice while MSRP is $32149.
Many threads? What threads? I have had 2011's on my lot for weeks. And, I have way more 2011's than I have 2010's left.
Well after about 9 years, we might know if they got their money’s worth if they report back. But since the OP hasn’t been around in about 3 years, I guess we’ll never know.