I've seen this Infiniti commercial the past couple weeks. Every time I see it, it's a ROFL experiance. I especially like the last few seconds when the BMW owner comes into scene looking for his Beemer. If you haven't seen it, enjoy and Merry Christmas to all! Feel free to add your favorite to the thread.
I like the Geico "Was Abe Lincoln honest?" commercial. Also the one where the lady insists on putting a name tag on the lizzard.
i only consider the commercial "sufficiently entertaining" if i cant remember who the sponsor was. this was a good one!
again, can't remember WHO was for, but I like the one where the baby is in the little 'walker' going through a field, then on the interstate, down the street weaving in and out of traffic, ending up at the front door of a family member........only to have the baby's pic, that was sent via the parents cell phone, print out at someones house. "I've gotta brand new pair of rollerskates, you've got a brand new key......"
This one isn't seasonal, in fact it holds the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous running commercial (here), but I love it. It still runs regularly here in the Phoenix area. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QjTIm-vSKg"]The Thanks You Commercial[/ame]