This one is my favorite one. Hydrogen device. IMHO I think it works. He even got BMW to try out the device and they confirmed it worked on their trial. Is it all fake, who knows for certain. But very interesting. Hydrogen devices as add ons don't seem cost effective, yet. Honda has the Hydrogen FCX clarity that was introduced in 2008.
many of these people that claim it works have a "computer enhancer" or something hooked up that would cause a lean condition which can by itself increase mileage but lower power output and risk the engine overheating. if this "HHO" system is so great why I dont see one on any car?
Free speech is good, but I believe Azor directed his question to those who have already installed the system? For some reason, most replies have been extremely cynical and bitingly sarcastic. It would have been one thing if Azor had come looking for a fight, but you guys trounced him like he was claiming Chevy Volt was going to put Toyota out of business. Please grow up guys.... :focus:
It sounded to me like Azor believed that load of nonsense. We would be doing him a disservice by not pointing out that it is a hoax. That is being grown up. Standing by and not telling a person they were believing a scam is not being grown up.
Mythbusters did a bit on this.... It does not work. You can SUBSTITUTE hydrogen for fuel (if you are getting it for free) but that is about it. Generating it on the fly is pointless.
Um, Look Here. Someone HAS tried it. Here is his report. Did you just decide to ignore it since it doesn't support your preconceived notion of the success of this system?
No, I did not ignore it. I assumed he meant a system other than the one I asked about because the system I posted comes with everything to run the engine lean already (no other computer needed).
And Corn based ethanol fuel still fails #2, we primarily have it as a subsidy for corn farmers, not because it necessarily pays back using it. Corn ethanol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Brazil your ethanol was based on sugar cane, which does not grow well in 49 states of the US. Where it made economic sense it was in use 30 years ago, where it does not make economic sense, it is in use as a 'pork barrel project' in the Midwest US. Ethanol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agreed. When the push for corn based ethanol started a few years ago...I just shook my head in disgust. Fuel ethanol from corn is pretty much a joke in this country. In the arena of ethanol based fuels - we should focus our efforts on bioengineered bacteria, yeasts, or plankton...
Look, Azor, we aren't trying to beat you up. All we are doing is trying to save you some time and money. These systems are nothing but snake oil. They don't work - period. I won't bother repeating the physics behind this, as you are obviously uninterested in hearing about the real science behind these systems. If you were asking about investing in a Ponzi scheme, we would do the same for you. It's not a personal attack, it's just that there are a lot of engineers and scientists on this board, and we hate to see people taken advantage of. So consider this your warning. You can spend more time and money, but it will be for naught. End of lecture. Tom
TNSTAAFL HHO is hydrolyzed water - water split into hydrogen and oxygen by electricity. The energy required to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen is exactly equal to the energy recovered when it recombines with the oxygen and fuel in the combustion chamber. Except that the inherent resistance losses in the wiring from the generator to the hydrolysis chamber always mean that it will take more energy to split the water than is recovered in combustion. In fact ... since Brown Gas is pure oxygen and pure hydrogen the possibility in ignition in the intake manifold is non-zero. Luckily the amount of HHO generated is so small as make intake manifold ignition rare. Not to mention that you now need to carry a water supply, a hydrolysis chamber, tubing, pump, etc. ...
Not to be a spelling Nazi, but it's TANSTAAFL Title of Book 3 of "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Heinlein
You sir are correct. [ame=]The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]