i've read the other threads, but couldn't find anything concrete. I want to buy a second set of TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) for my winter rims so that the annoying light is not there... and ok, maybe a bit for safety too... At the dealership, they are saying that it will require a "reset" done by them for 50$ every time i change the tires in order for the system to recognize the new sensors. here is my question: I have read somewhere before that on some car, if you change the tires and then drive for about 20 minutes with them, the system will automatically recognize the new sensors. is this the case with the prius? if it is, i will spend the extra cash to have them, but if not, i refuse to pay another 50$ each time i change my tires. i'm sure SOMEONE on this forum must have tried it. thx a lot!
The Prius does not automatically recognize a new set of TPMS sensors, you do have to program them into the cars computer. There is a tool you can buy for around $150 that will enable you to do it yourself, which saves having to pay the dealer. Most folks just ignore (or put tape over) the warning light when using their alternate wheels...
Do you know what the tool is and where to get it? I do want to mount winter tires on a spare set of wheels (I already have extra TPMS sensors) and like the safety factor that the system provides. Thanks.
Check this thread... http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/63842-diy-tpms-sensor-registration-tool.html
That's the exact tool I have - right now all I've used it for is to read the TPMS sensor serial numbers that are programmed in my car for my regular tires. In a few months I'll put on my snow tires with their new sensors and then I'll see how easy it is to reprogram the car to recognize them.
I got that same tool earlier this year from a fellow PCer. As far as I can tell, it worked just fine. My problem, was that I had one of the IDs written down incorrectly, so I had to get the dealer to figure out which one it was. From what I could tell, it worked fine. In about a month I'll put my snows back on and know for sure. It was quite simple to use, actually. I'd be glad to meet someone with the tool if they want to road trip to my area to update their IDs for tire swaps. I wish that they would incorporate the automatic TPMS ID learning as other models have. I'm sure it'll eventually happen, but definitely something that would be beneficial. I can't believe the dealers are wanting $50+ just to update them. It literally takes them about 5 minutes from plugging the car up to TIS to do it. I would have been willing to pay them $20 for this service, but they want to charge in 1/2 hour increments.
Question on the TPMS sensor: I had a new set of winter tires installed by my dealer 3 days ago (no TPMS on the winter tires). When I picked up my car I expected to see the the TPMS warning icon on the dash - but there was nothing. 3 days latter, while driving, I start to see the TPMS icon flashing, and then it goes to a steady on state. Any explanations?
It takes the system awhile to complain when the sensors go missing. If you are storing your summer tires in the same garage, most likely the car "sees" them when it is parked in the garage. Only when you are away for a bit does it activate. Tom
This has been covered over and over in differnt threads. How can I be an admin to move topics like this to the correct thread?