Last week a driver pulled out in front of my wife and caused us to T-bone them and totaled our 2007 Honda Fit. We loved this car and had a blast in it all 90,000 miles! Prius prices have been quite favorable and rather than upgrade to the 2009 body style for around $14,000 I can buy a used Prius. My questions are geared towards any variations in the Gen II year models? Anything I should know? I m considering a 2007 w/84,000 miles for 11,900 in good shape, tan interior, back up camera, and red in color (includes two wireless key fobs). Does this price seem fair? Seems reasonable to me. Should mileage really concern me? I am tempted to try and spend another grand but get a Prius with 30-50k less miles. Any input is welcome and we are embracing this new change in vehicle.
hello and :welcome: I can't comment on the Prius (since I'm not in the US) but a 2007 is fine. I believe that's when side airbags were made standard in the US. You also get the benefit of an upgraded interior (vs. the 2004/2005 years), front passenger occupant detection system for the passenger airbag as well as an updated traction control that isn't as finicky as the 04/05 models (but still sensitive compared to the 2010). If it's only a grand for 30-50k less, I wouldn't mind. The hybrid system and battery is warranted for 8 years and 100,000 miles and generally they've been good (plenty of taxis around and none of them with serious issues with batteries) but if a grand will get you peace of mind for another year or two (depending on how many miles you drive), then maybe go for that one.
Thanks for the welcome Tideland! The mileage was a little concerning, but the battery pack life is the only thing I worry about. Motors tend to be pretty refined at this point and longevity in a combustion engine is common place. Sideairbags are a must so I will stick with 2007+ models then. Our Fit and Altima (Both my wife's car) were lost due to accidents and she was able to walk away from both (high speed collisions). Neither accident was her fault and safety is of big importance after walking home from one with no worries and the other with minor seatbelt bruising. Are there any good places to price battery packs? Aftermarket, refurbs, new? Second what seems to be typical MPG of a non-hypermiler. I drive conservatively for gas mileage, but I m not overly concerned with gettoung every ounce out of my drive if it makes my habits uncomfortable.
I have a 2005 with side airbags. I believe they were optional at this point but certainly available. I think I'm one of only people who prefer the 04-05 interior I think it looks cleaner. You will get a higher Res display with 06+ so the nav (if you get it) will look better. I decided on 05 because of the price difference between the comparable next newer year. I don't consider myself a real big hyper miler and I have averaged about 45-50 city in the summer, winter being lower, maybe high 30s? Good luck with your shopping and glad to hear everyone is OK from the wreck! SCH-I800 ?
Why do you worry about the pack? If you Trans. goes it will cost much more, in fact allot of things will cost more than a pack and we don't seem concerned about them. The pack is not a big deal we make it out to be! So enjoy your new purchase. H
In any case pay a Prius technician to thoroughly examine the car before you buy it. They're inherently reliable, but if it has been in an accident any number of in-obvious yet ultimately expensive things could be wrong with it.
Awesome information. Ill see if I can find some interior shots to examine. Navi is not that important since I have GPS on my phone. The rear facing camera is something my wife wants for backing up. She does not take well to new vehicles like I do so I need to make her comfortable. Primarily because I can service a transmission myself, but a battery pack is non-serviceable
We just recently bought our 06 with 95k miles. We got 46-47 avg. mpg the first couple tanks, the third tank 48 and its winter here. We really like ours. We paid $9500 for ours so I would think you're getting a pretty good deal for that price. There is a place that sells aftermarket batteries for prius, and of course you can get one out of a totaled prius sometimes off ebay. A newone will cost you a few grand.
It was optional before so if you are looking at a 2006 or older, just look for the "SIDE AIRBAG" tag on the front seats. Most packages had them anyway unless it was a base stripped model. The 2010s would help with the addition of a driver's knee airbag. Packs? not that I know of (usually the dealer) but there's always the scrap yard that can supply you with a used Prius battery (just make sure it's the same one. The 01-03 had a slightly different pack) Depends. I would say 45-50mpg is definitely attainable in the summer. Like every other car out there, winter mileage will tank because you're running the heat (which runs the engine.. unless it's fully warmed up or you request less heat) and winter fuel blend and a host of other winter-related factors. It's a bigger jump with the Prius because you're not shutting off the engine as often as in the summer. A little bit of work can bump you up to 55mpg.
Yes! Agreed! I remember the first time in 2004 I ever rode in a Prius (my neighbors). I thought it was super clean. Then when I checked out Priuses again in 2009 I was like, Wth is this striated pattern on the plastic dash??? The dealer said 04-05 owners complained that the flat black dash collected oil and fingerprints too easily, so they changed it. Gah.....
It also peeled as it was painted. Trust me, the 2006+ dashboard is probably more durable than ours. And yes, our dashboard plastic will also show prints if you have sunscreen (learned that the hard way... there's an elbow spot on the driver's door panel of our '05.. hard to see though). So yes, it looks really nice but it is higher maintenance.