Haha! I just had a Hyundai Sonata rental over the weekend while I was out of town, and I kept shooting from a stop and giving myself the whiplash feeling. I was doing better about that until it was time to return the car and I was at the rental return and zoomed it into place.
Yes, this is programmable, and differently for the smartkey, the fob button, and the mechanical key. This is the wrong thread for this though, please use the search, there are plenty of how-to posts!
On Topic: You get in another car and keep reaching for the EV mode button (it's habit now with the PHEV!).
You ride with other people driving (any car) and keep wincing as their foot stays on the gas LONG past when necessary. - D
When you are driving or riding in another car and feel uncomfortable when you can't feel the transition from regen braking at 8 MPH SCH-I800 ?
I love my pruis so much that I will not drive her all winter to pertect her from the salt. I may be sick but I just can't bear to see the rust on her.
- When you get into another car and realised you need to take the key out of the pocket (did that with our '02 Camry) - When the car won't shut off its engine at a light (bugged me to he** with my smart) - When you keep looking at where the MFD would be (did that with the Camry) - When you play the mpg game even in another car (did that with our Cobalt rental)
When you get waaay too close to the car ahead of you on the freeway because you expect the DRCC to "handle" that detail.
- When you get out of another car and realized you need to put the key back in the pocket -- after reflexively hitting the electric lock button while closing the door (did that on our '97 Legacy).
You need the little arrow next to the gas pump icon on the fuel gauge to remind you on which side the infrequently used gas fill door is located.
...or try to adjust the climate control temperature with your right thumb ...when you get into a vehicle with the old climate control knobs, you have no clue where to set them to get the temperature you typically keep it at
lol. I do that with the new Prius except it's the temperature button (which has been relocated to the right side) so I keep changing radio stations when I meant to the change the temperature. I have, on occasion, sit and think about what I wanted to do at the pump cause I "forgot" where the gas flap release is. (esp. since there's no trunk so you never reach down to that area combine that with long refuel intervals... and you get the picture).
Tychi Systems 100SSN BioKnob, Satin Nickel - Smarthome Tychi Systems 100RHPC BioLever, Polished Chrome (Right-Handed) - Smarthome IR Remote Controlled Keyless Entry Deadbolt, Brass - KF-01P - Smarthome Remote Controlled Keyless Entry Lockset with Right-Handed Lever, Satin Nickel - AKL-01RN - Smarthome Electronic Locks from Schlage and Kwikset. It is tricky to be as smart as our locks as their batteries have to be even smaller than ours.
I rip the fingers off my hand opening the door of my 4Runner.... I also wonder why the engine keeps lugging down as I approach a stop sign....... Oh yeah, CLUTCH!!