I'm in rush hour traffic, 38 degrees outside and the brakes are squealing loudly. There are really old construction trucks, taxis, and new vehicles around me and NONE of them have squealing brakes. My brand new shiny Prius is the only one that has the squealing brakes. The other toyota's (camry, corrolla, rav) does not have this problem. Of course, after some long brake sequences, it stops. So far, I have only seen this happen on the Prius. I'm assuming they use the lowest quality disc brakes that rust easily. I bet all the other components are low quality as well as Toyota was criticized recently for build on reputation rather than quality. I guarantee that the 2011 models will have problems as well (it's too fast for Toyota to turn around on the QA issues). Therefore, I would avoid all 2010 and 2011 Prius models. There's a ton of QA issues all related to cold weather. Just today, when I turn the steering wheel, it makes a pop sound (related to cold weather). When I go over a bump, something in the back (rear axle area) makes a clank noise. I already had engine knock type of sound. Brakes squeal. Dashboard and certain components (window) rattle. Should have bought a ford.
If you think that squealing brakes is the most embarrassing thing going on in and around your car, you are sadly mistaken.
"I'm done with Toyota"-"I should of bought a Ford". Listen, I'm NOT personally attacking you. I think everyone is going to have their personal standards and individual experience with their automobile. But I do have to ask... The last handful of posts you've made have been an illumination of some problem you perceive with your vehicle, usually followed by a shot against Toyota and Toyota quality and some proclamation by yourself that you're regretting you purchase and wish you would of done something else.... So I do have to ask.. Why are you still here? Why are you still a Prius Owner? Honestly. If I was as unhappy as you apparently are...even if it meant losing considerable money, I think I'd move on... You seem so disenchanted with Prius Ownership, and so convinced you have a substandard product...then what do you have to lose? Go get a Ford. It would represent a net loss, but you could probably almost make an even swap for a Ford Festiva...happy motoring.... I know that I sound sarcastic, but I'm really serious. At some point for anyone...I'd simply say, car ownership is not a in signed in blood, written in stone proposition and if you had the resources to obtain a New Prius, I'm assuming making a change while representing some degree of loss, would be possible. Your 2010 that you seem to dislike so much, would have good trade in value. So to me, at some point, quit complaining and move on...if you really think you should of bought a Ford? Then my revelation to you, is that Ford is still in business, it's NOT too late...
If I do not take the hand (or is it a manual foot brake?) off all the way on my Chevy Venture the rear brakes will squeal. Do you think this could be your problem; rear brake drag? TED
Another ridiculous post by somebody either suffering from a severe mental handicap or simply a troll. Exhibit A: other threads you've started. Some are real gems of insanity. http://priuschat.com/forums/search/search-id/2783453/
Hi mwok, No problems here. But I do a neutral braking every now and then to keep the brakes from getting rusty. Just like all the other experienced Prius driver's out there.....
Prius brakes don't get used enough to stay clean. If you want to clean them, find an empty stretch of road, get up to speed, switch to N, and brake to slow down. Shift back to D. Repeat as necessary. Tom
Possibly related to this thread here. My only question is, why the hell I need to brake more frequently and intensively in neutral with my 2010 Prius than in my wife's Auris HSD in order to get rid of these annoying sounds?
How many km's (or miles) on the car, and have the brakes been serviced? Pulling the calipers off every 2~3 years (or 48K km's whichever comes first), relubing the caliper slide pins, checking pad thickness, cleaning and lubing the pad to caliper contact points, checking rotor condition, you shouldn't have problems. Same intervals for brake fluid change is good policy too.
I once took a bite out of an organic apple, when I looked at the apple that I was holding on to it Sorry to hear that. You should have bought a BMW because those will last forever no matter which model. People will stare at you and know you are a winner.
OK, mystery solved in my case. For the Prius Gen III only the brake bleeding at the dealer seems to work - with their computer. Car feels, drives and most importantly brakes like brand new. I have wasted so much time and did not save a dime with my local independent workshops. I was chatting with the mechanic at the dealer, who explained to me that all the tricks without the computer (disconnect 12V battery, ABS relays, invalid mode) work only for previous generations, which I can only confirm based on my personal experience. I had the brake pads and disc replaced with bleeding without computer 2 weeks ago. Today at the dealer's workshop the mechanic showed me that the brake fluid is not fresh, which further indicates that bleeding without computer does not flush the entire brake system. I am wondering that a couple of other annoying sounds disappeared now as well.
I think they're bs'ing some. The procedure for changing brake fluid (essentially doing a lot of bleeding, at each corner) without Techstream, is sanctioned and explained in the 2010 Repair Manual. Also see @NutzAboutBolts video.