Re: Pix: 1/2 face cord of firewood in Prius Meh. The Prius is a car with a lot of trunk space and a cool hybrid engine, but it's not some sort of precious family heirloom. I bought the car to use it, not to just protect it. Furthermore, half a face cord is not very heavy anyway. Stick 4 large passengers in the car and that's probably already heavier than half a face cord. Your statement might actually make a little more sense though if I bought 16 cubic feet of solid rock or something. A full cord delivered locally is much more than that. I already mentioned where I'm located, which happens to be in a large metropolitan area. Like I said it's cheaper if you go out to the boonies somewhere, but then you pay delivery costs, usually something like $40-50 for the delivery alone. But since I live in the city, it's not as if I have room for someone to dump 8 times what I bought home. Cheap is good, but cheap with a big pile of wood on the driveway is a big eyesore for an urban home. That argument is sort of like those who tell me I should shop at Costco because it's cheaper. Sorry, but I don't need 5 litres of ketchup, even if those 5 litres cost just twice as much as the 1 litre I bought at the local shop. Drive slowly. The place that sells it is normally like a 7 minute drive from my house, going at 60 kmh. So, I drive at half that. A net would be nice though.
We had two cords delivered for $170 per cord during the summer (when it usually is cheaper here) in Maryland. It took way more then a pickup truck to deliver it!
So what is the difference between a tonne and a ton? I know a ton is 2,000 pounds. I guess a tonne is 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds). I think they used to call this a long ton. I glad we don't have to pull a cord to start the Prius, Because of this I decided to rent Tobacco Road from Netflix to see how much wood they put in that brand new Ford. Also made me think that a Prius Pick-up would be kind of neat. TED
Re: Pix: 1/2 face cord of firewood in Prius Yep. It will vary a bit with the type of wood but based on a "typical" density of 600 kg/m^3 that 16 cubic feet of timber would only be be about 270kg. Not really that bad, three adult passengers could easily add up to more than this.
Re: Pix: 1/2 face cord of firewood in Prius Maybe I'll buy in the summer next time. With difficulty, I could probably cram up to half a full cord (2 face cords or 64 cubic feet) into the sheds. Unfortunately, it'd likely still cost me over $200 delivered locally for the relatively dry stuff. I did buy about 24 cubic feet locally once for about $40 but it had been sitting out completely exposed for a few weeks, and had some wetness from the rain. In any case, I have no problem transporting 0.5 face cords (16 cubic feet) at a time myself. It's light enough that the car doesn't feel that weighted down, and it certainly feels less weighted down than when the car is full of passengers. Also, it's a small enough amount for me to stack myself in a relatively short period of time. Yeah, that sounds about right, but maybe it was a bit lighter than that since the "16 cubic feet" will include some air space between the wood pieces. So perhaps 500 lbs. BTW, we once had about 600 lbs of laminate flooring in the car too.
We go antique shopping within a 15 hour range of our home and regularly pack a rental Prius from floor to ceiling, front to back and under the seats with glassware. This car can haul some serious weight with no issues running thru town or down the Interstate :rockon: There even is suspension travel left to go Brakes worked fine, acceleration was fine. It's a damn good car. Years ago I used to haul firewood from my dad's in a 2 door Geo Metro which was packed with my saw & split wood everywhere except the front seats. I do own a SUV and the car worked great with way less gas needed to haul the wood. It even stopped when I needed the brakes Mike
They are different. A long ton is 2,240 lb by definition, a tonne or metric ton = 1,000 kg or 2205 lb. A long ton is 20 British hundredweight, a British hundred weight being 8 stone. A stone is 14 lbs so a hundredweight is 112lb and a long ton 2240 lb.
I don't know what it would weigh in total. The car would ride low but not bottomed out. I aired the tires to 40psi. Still averaged 47mpg per tank in a Gen 2 The glassware is plates, cups, bowls and some Texas Ware. Sometimes a antique revolver or two as I find 'em. I find the Prius can haul as much stuff as a RAV4 can haul and way more than a Camry can fit inside. When I seen your thread about hauling firewood inside a car, it totally brought back memories of me hauling wood in my old Metro from my dad's which is 45 miles from here. Neat how you put the tarp down first so you didn't scuff up the interior. I used to do that also All the glassware we collect is wrapped in newspaper and stacked in every nook & cranny we can find in the Prius. It is comical seeing how packed it is ound: I don't dare open a door or the hatch without having my wife standing by to catch anything that comes dislodged and falls. As soon as that '12 model is available, we are buying one Fun car to drive. Mike
Poor Eug. Nobody seems impressed by your load, just have one criticism or another, yet when F8L stuffed his Prius full of fireworks people thought that was cool. Yes, people around here (the midwest) know the difference between a cord and a face cord. It's a pretty common term, except apparently in Washington state where you get cuffed and thrown in jail for even mentioning the phrase 'face cord'. I think the official measurement for how tightly packed the stacked wood should be, is that a chipmunk can run thru it but the cat chasing it cannot. Bottom line, yes I agree, the Prius has a large interior and the hatchback design and foldable seats allows easy access.