Pix: 1/2 face cord of firewood in Prius Just in case you're interested, it seems the 2004-2009 Prius could probably hold 1.5 face cords of firewood in the back. This is what 1 face cord (12") looks like. EDIT: Oops. It's actually half a face cord: 4'x4'x1'. One face cord is what I bought at the beginning of the year, but that wouldn't fit in the car. I had it delivered. The back of the Prius could probably hold 0.75 face cords.
I hope you didn't buy that in Washington State, where by law there is only one kind of 'cord', and it significantly exceeds the EPA interior volume of any midsize car.
I would have liked to see a picture from a bit further away and see how low the rear end was sitting! Or... If the front wheels were off the ground!
Heck ... it THAT chafs your hide, consider nearly 1/2 ton of cel phone battery backup-240 volt DC/AC power supply equipment loaded up for delivery half way across California. Nice & easy does it. Now THAT much weight will REALLY give you that 'slammed' look. .
In your area where you bought the firewood...well I was wondering if delivery costs are greater than the cost of replacing suspension components that were damaged? Heck, my 2008 mid size pickup (Honda Ridgeline) sags when I put that much weight in it's bed!
A long way from a cord of firewood. Cord is 4x4x8 and weighs about 4,000 pounds. They really saw you coming if you paid for a cord. Kind of reminds me of Tobacco Road; if anyones remembers that movie. My dad told me that "Poor people have poor ways" TED
You will note that the OP said "face" cord, which is not 4x4x8. It varies, but in this case he specified 12", so his face cord is 4'x8'x12". Tom
OP did say 'face cord', which appears to be a common unit of measurement in some areas, and means 42.7 cubic feet. It just happens to be an illegal measure in our state. It is hard to judge in this form, but I'm not sure I can see 42 cubic feet in there.
You're right. My mistake. It was actually half a face cord. That's 4x4x1 feet, aka 16 cubic feet, for $60 CAD. A face cord would be 4x8x1, for $110 locally. So, basically I could probably get 0.75 face cords in the back, not 1.5. Sixteen cubic feet is roughly the equivalent of 16 of the large bags of firewood you find at Home Depot for $8.99 each, or 21 of the small 0.75 ft³ bags that go for $6.99 each. So, that would indeed be 1/8th of a cord I bought, which means that one might be able to fit 1/5th of a cord in the back of the Prius. You can get it cheaper, but then it's out of town, and delivery is sometimes extra. And yes, I realize that "face cord" is not an official measurement, but I had assumed it was a common unofficial measurement. Apparently not in some areas. I'm in Toronto, and for home use everything gets measured in face cords. You don't buy a full cord unless you live in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere or something. In case you're wondering, I'm actually heating my living room with it. I have a brand new gas furnace, but I'm currently having renos done in the basement, and if I turn on the furnace, there is dust everywhere. I'm waiting until the main dusty work is done. Then I'll have all the ductwork cleaned, before starting to use the furnace again. BTW, when heating my large living room with my wood fireplace alone, one face cord only lasts maybe a month, and that's mainly just using it in the evenings. Normally it would take me half the winter to go through a face cord.
Face cords are usually based on 12 inch or 16 inch long wood. You defined yours, so there was no ambiquity which one you were using. Except for the 1/2 part
Bring on the metric system!! Here wood is sold by the tonne and a cord is what you pull to start your lawn mower.
First off, I would never subject my Prius to that kind of abuse. It is not a truck and isn't built to take that kind if weight. Second, for what you paid, you are paying as fortune for wood. I pay 150 a full cord delivered. Don't know where you are located, but it can't be that expensive as to possibly damage your car that way.
Re: Pix: 1/2 face cord of firewood in Prius In my opinion it's extremely unsafe to drive like this. In case of hard braking (or front collision) those hard chunks of wood will become a deadly projectiles. A net between the cargo and passengers is a must in cases like this. Be safe. - Alex