How often do you wash your car? Most of the brush less car washes have the undercarage spray. It will remove a lot of salt and calcium. I do not leave the salt etc on more that 48 hours. No rust here!
I've just purchased Eastwood's Salt Neutralizer. Haven't tried it yet, just arrived yesterday. They seem to use 2 inches of salt for every inch of snow in Wisconsin!
Our '02 had some minor rust on the under carriage, but there was zero body rust. For whatever reason, some of the black bracketry under the hood and attaching to the radiator support always rusts on the older Prius'. As for our 2004, there's very little rust on the underside. Most of it is concentrated to bolt heads and suspension pieces and a tiny bit on the rear drums. I have done various forms of undercoating/rust proofing over the years and was about to try something new, but I missed out on the opportunity because it snowed the weekend I should have applied the product (and the snow hasn't stopped since). The product I was going to use is called Fluid Film. It comes in a "spray paint can" but is made of wool oil. It's basically a waxy coating and penetrant often used for outdoor machinery (particularly bare metal). I did have time to apply Fluid Film to my other vehicle, so we will see how it compares. Fluid Film will likely need to be re-applied every year or so, but I'm fine with that. It was cheap enough, and it will certainly do a better job than rubberized undercoating that just ends up drying out, flaking off, and trapping dirt and causing more rust anyway. Fluid Film stays "wet."
I noticed some rust on my 06 around the suspension parts and bolts. Going to clean it and have the under carriage coated this coming spring The car only had 12,000 miles on it when I purchased it in Aug. 2010 and I was surprised to see that amount of rust. My 06 HCH2 has double the mileage and has no rust to speak about. H
I have been using this stuff for a long time on the bottom of the Prius and under the hood. Spray all the suspension components and bushings. Spray the CV boots with silicon. Spray all the bolt heads and latches and hinges under the hood. Don't go crazy just lightly. Spray all the door hinges and then use silicon spray on the rubber wire protector in the hinge area of the doors. Not one bit of rust on the car. Really nice side benefit is your car will never squeek. Available at Home Depot only. Review: PB Blaster Corrosion Stop Protectant CSP - Second Generation Nissan Xterra Forums (2005+)
It was beautiful, fast and a babe magnet (of course I had hair on my head at the time). It succumbed to Wisconsin salt, the undocumented State tax on cars. I could sometimes get up to 20mpg but as a teen (I bought it myself-farm kid, no mommy/daddy gift) I smoked those bias ply tires to death to the point of replacing them 3 times in the first year. Got better before selling it and finding out that the kid that bought it blew up the engine in a month-AARRGGHH Boy, was my dad mad at the poor quality of tires in those days! I didn't have the heart to tell him.
No it does not. The reg PB rust buster spray smells really bad doesn't it? This CSP spray is a dream come true. I spray a little on all my tools too. In Florida you can leave you tools clean in the tool box and come back 3 months later and there all rusted so you have to keep them lubed a little. I just wipe the tools off before I use them. This CSP is perfect as it doesn't dry out or smell.