TFS' acq fee is in the lease itself. The drive offs are the first payment and the license fees. In some cases, they have been rounded up to reduce the cap and lower the payment. Gap is extra.
2010 and 2011 LEASE deals I'm just picking a few deals in 2010 and 2011 cars. 2010 Prius II w/ mats in blue or black: $650 drive off, tier 1+ credit, payment $247.77 + tax. Residual 14,592. 2011 Prius II w/ mats: $765 drive off, tier 1+ credit, payment $340.42 + tax. Residual $14,752 _______________________________________ 2010 Prius III with NAV and mats in silver or blue: $785. drive offs, tier 1+ credit, payment $283.15 + tax residual 15857. 2011 Prius III with NAV and mats $825. drive offs, tier 1+ credit, payment $374.54 + tax residual 16017. _________________________________ These are just two examples of a 2011 lease vs a 2010 lease. Most of the models are going to be, indeed, $90 to 100 a month higher to lease a 2011 because of the rates, and the small difference in residual. Buying? $21,695 if you're paying cash for the 2010 package II, and $24,344 if you're paying cash for the 2010 package III with NAV system. 23,100 for the 2011 package II, and $25,300 for the 2011 package III with NAV. _____________________________ Need other models or packages, just holler!
RED Holiday cars! changing up.. inventory dwindling ... call me for what YOU want to buy while I decide what to blast out of here next!!
Last few days of Dec 2010 Woo hoo, the New Year's coming fast. So's the end of my 2010 Prius lineup... it's been a crazy ride, busy as heck. The reality of the $80-90 more a month for the 2011's started to whack some folks across the nose like a rolled up newspaper... myself included!!! I am thinking hard about retiring ol' Betsy (my 2007 with 130K on her) and moving into a III or IV lease myself. Decisions, decisions! Anyway, not much left but the deals are terrific right now as compared to 2011 models right now. Last call for the last of my II, III with NAV or Sunroof/Nav, and IVs with NAV or sunroof/Nav. Dianne
The last of my 2010 Prius. Prius IV red NAV and mats. (one car only at this pricing) MSRP $30,040. Cash deal pricing after $1000 rebate is $26,542. Using the subvented promo interest rates?? $27,542 and use the 0.9 apr for up to 60 months. Leasing? $27,542 and take the low .00100 rate for tier 1+ (there are higher rates for lower fico scores) ... lease this red IV with a $16,053 residual for $336.87 + tax with a $999 drive off! Want a sunroof? I have a blue sunroof IV at $49 a month more. Sorry if the lease payments look high. They dropped residuals $1,500 + today on IV package cars.