Is there any reason, the GEN 1, Forum has to be listed under the GEN II forum? Seems it would be easier for newbies, to find the GEN 1 Forum, if it were listed separately, as are the GEN III & II Forums..... If I hadn't been given a direct link to the GEN 1, listings, I'm not sure I would ever have found it.
You'll need to send that as a note to "moderators". I suspect because both are 1.5L Prius. Bob Wilson
You know, I'd second that. I believe there is enough difference between Gen 1 and Gen 2, perhaps moreso than the difference between gen 2 and gen 3.
I think gen2 was a total redesign (for the better), not sure yet on gen3. Agreed they are definitely three different beasts.
I agree that the Gen 1 deserves it own forum. Not only is it a different beast in some ways, but due to its age, its owners are dealing with different issues. I do my own work on my car, so I for one, am going to be looking for help with extending the life of my aging vehicle without going to the dealer for service.
Count me also in favor of letting the gen 1 forum take its place alongside gen 2 and gen 3 ... if anybody's counting. -Chap
This Gen II owner is lending support in the Gen I owners to have their own spot and not forced to shack up with the Gen IIs.
Although I would prefer to see Gen I at a higher level, not a sub to the Gen II, there are more important things in life. We do get the occasional Gen II post that is a little confusing until we get it figured out. Otherwise, no big deal. Bob Wilson
Excellent discussion. I am an owner of a Gen I and was posting under "other hybrids" until I stumbled upon the sub catergory under Gen II. As long as I can get my stuff answered and questions asked its no big deal but it would be nice to have a seperate level.
As an early adopter myself, I concur... and I'd be happy to get the ball rolling. So which mod would it be appropriate to PM?
I have wondered this often myself. It figures that the most prominent Prius website on the net should proudly feature all three generations. I am a senior member of NeonCanada as well and all generations are seperately listed, even the Canadian "Chrysler" Neon is listed as well. I hope the moderators are listening. It just seems a little odd that we are tucked away out of sight (or is that site??? HAHAHA!)
I agree that Gen I should be a separate forum. There are enough differences between Gen I and II that it should be separate. Count me in...
Not sure who it would go to, but I just sent a PLEASE request to the webmaster labled, moderators. Hopefully they can/will move it to it's own forum.