Need help.... I do not have any red, yellow, or green lines for some reason... just little signs that I can click on to get some information of an accident... how do I get the lines to work??
Check Does your area have traffic flow information or traffic incidents only? What you're seeing are incident reports only.
I would also ensure that it is being displayed on your map. Click on the 'Show on Screen" button, and ensure that 'traffic' is displayed. If you do not, try centering the map on a major metropolitain area, and that you are not zoomed out to anything above '8' miles, or traffic will not display. If none of these work, then I would check with XM themselves, to ensure that they have it turned on. (and that you are paying for it, once your three month trial ends.) In my case, when I signed up for lifetime, they accidentally removed the traffic, until I called them back, and they fixed it instantly.
I've been using the xm nav for 2 months. I live in LA. I don't get clear concise information about traffic problems. I get message about slow traffic on the route ahead but I never get message about accidents. I would like to be able to know about traffic problems when I set my route and then have the option to change routes before starting. The program should give an overview of current conditions.
Laxtexan, I too have a subscription to the XM Nav Traffic. The only gripe that I have with it is that sometimes it takes too long for it's traffic to be updated. That said, once it does pickup on the traffic along a route that you've programmed, it should suggest detours, or a new route to you. A couple of times per month I will see a discrepancy between the XM Nav Traffic details on the Navi, and the Actual conditions. Usually the XM is a little behind the curve, either still showing a delay, when's it's cleared up, or not showing a newly created bottleneck. However, the rest of the time, I think it's worth it's weight in gold, as it can be very helpful.
Were you able to figure this out? I confirmed that my traffic service is activated, but when I hit the "show map" button, show traffic is not an option that I can turn on. In addition, in the Setup/Nav/Detailed Nav/ menu, I do not have a button for "Show free flowing traffic". What do I have to do so I can see the traffic? The Three car icon is white, so I should be receiving the traffic, but I am not seeing any traffic or the above options on the setup screens. Thanks
Maybe it's me but I rarely get rerouted due to traffic. Usually it will pop up and ask if I want to reroute, but the new route is always the same as the old route. I'm also unimpressed with the lack of detail. I live in the DC area and most of the roads have traffic information on Google maps but only a small fraction have them on NavTraffic. I'm talking about major roadways like the GW parkway. It just seems like a half nice person attempt.