RADARGUY......your first photo was really good. I really would like to know a road that allows 1+ minute of no traffic, too cool. As far as constructive criticism, how about using a wide angle lens, maybe a fisheye 15mm 2.8 and have the angle towards the bottom of your car, aiming upwards, so you can get a good close up shot of the car and still get the mountains and stars with the car being the main subject......... cheers.
Thank you for the advice. I like the low angle idea. Funny you should mention the 15mm 2.8 fisheye because that is the exact lens i used. I prefer it on a cropped sensor camera because it minimizes the distortion. If i want that crazy fisheye look ill just put it on my 5D or 35mm old school.
Excellent pictures! It's a shame that there wasn't a road heading towards the mountains, to where you could get a picture of the car driving towards it without all the fencing and poles. Maybe you can find such a road somewhere . Makes me wish I knew someone with your photography skills that would travel with me!
I know, that would have been great. I will keep looking for the perfect spot. thanks for the complement.
I love my 5D, but mainly use it for portrait photography (matches really well with the 135mm). Interesting photos you have. With the unusual ambient exposure and internal lights of the Prius: it looks like a composited 3D render. I feel more like asking if it was done in Maya Keep it up, certainly a unique style (reminds me a little of the faux HDR photography I see).
You are not the first person too tell me some of my pictures look computer generated. Im not sure what it is that makes people think that. I had a lengthy argument with a buddy about one of my flower pictures. He said it looked like it was made in Maya. I finally convinced him by sending the original RAW file. Its amazing how much information is in a 14bit Raw file. Quite a bit of color, and exposure data can be used. I try to keep most of my photos as true to the source as possible. I usually just do color correction. Here is a link to the picture i am referring to. A Gift | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I'm looking to buy a D-SLR, either a Canon EOS 60D or a Nikon D7000. The camera will replace my old Canon SD550 and a really old Panasonic DV camcorder. Which do you guys recommend?
If you are planing on recording video for over a few min at a time I would have to recommend you stay away form a DSLR. DSLR camera sensors produce gorgeous looking video (mostly because of the 35mm lenses) I do need to warn you that they do tend to overheat after a bit of recording. Don't worry there is no damage done to the camera, but you will need to turn it off and wait a few min for the sensor to cool down before you can use it again. Video clips are also limited to a few min each. If you can handle that than by all means go ahead. Unfortunately i would also have to recommend the 7D (or even the same cost 50D) over the 60D if you can afford it. The 60D is not a successor to the 50D by any means. Canon has decided to replace the metal body with a cheap plastic one Canon has also switched to SD cards in this camera instead of compact flash, and removed the UDMA support that was in the 50D. This means you cannot take advantage of the fast UDMA Compact Flash cards on the market today. once again i strongly recommend the 7D over the 60D if the price is not too much of a problem. Oh one more thing. A cameras Megapixel rating is the last thing you should consider when purchasing a camera today.
I can only afford either a good DSLR or a good HD camcorder but not both. The 7D is way out of my price range. Actually I can only afford the Rebel T2i kit if I buy locally but I'm stretching it to the 60D if I buy online. I know about the superiority of compact flash over SD with its faster read/write and higher theoratical capacity, 128PB vs 2TB. SanDisk class 10 SDHC can do 30mb/s plus I can use it in my other devices. The 60D supports SDXC and D7000 supports dual SDXC slots. 50D is out b/c it cant take video. The 60D has superior video spec than D7000, faster frame rate and higher bitrate but the D7000 has auto focus while shooting video where as the 60D does not. The Nikon D7000 is also out b/c I can't find any online stores selling for less than $1500 and in stock. For that price I'd rather buy a Canon 7D. The best price I've found for 60D w/18-135 lens is $1098 Best Price Electronics The best price I've found for 60D w/18-135 lens and kit is $1265 at Best Price Electronics The best price I've found for 7D w/18-55 lens and kit is $1485 Best Price Electronics The prices change everyday so I don't know what the price will be tomorrow. I know these are cheap lens but that's all I can afford right now. I'm sure it'll take better pictures than my point and shoot Canon.
My advice is to be careful with online retailers that offer crazy low prices. Sometimes its to good to be true. Good Luck
I've found many sites offering similar pricing. I called them before I went to work today. They all said that they're out of stock even though their site said available, shipping in 1-2 days. After reading many forums I've came to the conclusion that these sites sell gray market products with hidden charges like 7% insurance fees, or processing fees. Now my next step is to find a good cashback site that has high yield cashback to authorized Canon dealers. I wish Bing cashback is still alive. I bought a Toshiba from Tigerdirect.com with 15% cashback, no sales tax and free shipping.
Here are 2 cool shots I recently took of my own Prius! It's not a 2010 however, so please don't hurt its feelings (its very sensitive!!).