I'm not expert here, but if DC is pulsed (for the inverter function), there will be EMF. I guess this is why we can hear buzzing from the inverters in prius. Clearly audio frequency, so there is something more than DC.
:lalala::blah::lalala::blah::lalala::blah: :lalala::blah::lalala::blah::lalala::blah: :lalala::blah::lalala::blah::lalala::blah: :lalala::blah::lalala::blah::lalala::blah: :doh::rant::Cry::crazy::deadhorse: :yield:
That is not a different range, it is a different measurement, reading out in units of mW/cm^2. Navi05 was taking magnetic measurements reading out in milligauss, for which the 'instrument' is rated to only 100kHz.
Open UserCP. Navigate to Edit Ignore List. Type in the username of the thread starter (the OP), click Okay and that should do it.
If the AC side of the inverter is balanced polyphase, the DC side (between inverters and battery) doesn't necessary have pulses. The audio you hear is almost certainly from the AC, which should overwhelm any DC pulsing audio if it exists.
Now I get it. The concern is not about the Samsung cell phone's RF output from the antenna. It is about the LCD and keypad scan line emissions. Gotta move those chicken entrails out of the whiskey and into the vodka to further improve my understanding.
For anybody interested in some science about the effects of EMF on humans, you might want to read the book "Dirty Electricity, Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization" by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH. His website is at Sam Milham Dirty Electricity Some of his work with cancer clusters around cell phone towers indicates that it's electrical noise generated by the switching power supplies at the tower that is a big problem. So, independent of whatever the actual cell signal does, the noise backfed into the power grid is a problem in the vicinity of the cell tower.
I guess heat from coal and wood, and light from candles and oil lamp, and buggies pulled by horses, produced much lower disease- and accidental-death rates than do their electrical replacements. And it shows in the greatly reduced life expectancies today compared to the 1880s. The vodka-soaked chicken entrails are not doing the job. I need something stronger.
I'm a EE, though my experience is on the computer side, not power electronics. Nevertheless, I've wondered if the high-pitched humming is coming from inductors in the system; this is something that I've personally heard in a number of computers, where particular loads can cause the inductors to sing, vibrating in audible frequencies. This is all in DC electronics, just using switching power supplies, which turn on and off at a few kHz, typically. In any case, it's something that can be fixed when designing a product, though the methods to do so are not well-established. Anybody know if the Prius humming is from the inductors? (Or, more accurately, from the inductors vibrating whatever they're attached to...)
The active portions of switching power supplies are AC, even when the gozintas and gozoutas are DC. Any portion you can hear is AC. Anything magnetic, whether conductor or core, will produce mechanical forces, which can lead to audible vibration. But there are other suspects too. The cheapest ceramic caps, which don't belong in anything, are also piezoelectric transducers capable of singing quite loud.
The only humming from my Prius comes from the fan (cabin heating/cooling fan). Turn it off and the car becomes too quiet for me that I feel chills of ghosts presence. I don't even have to use a trifield meter to know all Pri are haunted. How else would a Prius accelerate out of control like Mr. Sykes' did? I'm starting to regret purchasing a Toyota against my 1/2 a century grudge against them that they supplied the Imperial army of Japan during WWII. Maybe the ghosts of the lost souls from that era still haunts all Toyota cars (and Nissans).
This is one of the reasons why photos of your interior would provide a road map, insights to help identify which wires are what. Of course you realize this is a ZVW30 forum and yours is the NHW20 model. The vehicles are substantially different. You might want to consider starting a new thread over in the "Gen II" forums with the NHW20 experts. I understand the Texas Department of Public Safety has vehicle inspections that include: My understanding is your brake "ABS and brake light" is enough to fail the Texas vehicle inspection. Your posting suggests the current efforts are aimed at a 'coffee spill' and suppressing the 'trimeter' readings. Introducing the "ABS and brake light" problem to the ZVW30 general forum in a thread titled "High EMFI in rear right seat" fits with ripping out the carpet and using a trimeter. Sad to say, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you. As others have posted, there comes a time when "UserCP" has be used like the old CB radio squelch to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. But this certainly has turned out to be a honeypot of a thread. Bob Wilson
Bob, I think he's a troll, making up crazy things just to punk us. Tri-field ghost detecting meter? Ripping up all the carpeting and coverings in the car and "enjoying it"? Come on! And he never posted any photo proofs, cause he can't take photos of his imagination.
I would recommend Wisers. Jack Daniels is good too See? The answer all along was alcohol! Yes. That "accuracy" is pretty bad, and probably optimistic too Amazing how I needed several hundred thousand dollars worth of test equipment to sweep the same frequency range. I can only imagine how much further I'd be in my career if the TriField meter had existed even 10 years ago The OP suggested the highest reading at the battery compartment, not at the inverter on top of the motor There is no AC component sent back to the battery. If you care to examine schematics of the Prius inverter/converter, they use robust filters/chokes to prevent any AC component on the DC power cables back to the batteries Ok, I tried dropping hints about DC power cables and supposed EMF/EMI. In the real world, contrast HVAC power distribution to HVDC power distribution. Whether HVAC causes cancer clusters is still open to debate. In areas where HVDC replaced HVAC (Due to much improved operating efficiency thanks to lower cost solid state high power IGBT's) the background EMI essentially became "background" or zero I'm of the opinion that some of the suspect hot spots inside a Prius cabin are resonance. If you have done any research on EMI compliance and military applications (Eg a "secure" room in which stray RF emissions are forbidden, as in NSA "tempest" requirements and the NSA CTPL) you will understand that in any space, resonance can be expected. You design to minimize resonance Thank you At this point I'd be willing to skip the entrails altogether and just use straight whiskey and vodka Which explains why we are dropping like flies and not living very long at all Thank you I personally have started on boilermakers. After 4 of them, this crap is reduced to background noise Maybe if we try popping Seroquel XR, we can understand
That nut also concludes that firefigher cancer clusters are NOT caused by exposure to toxic and carcinogenic byproducts of combustion He concludes the firefighter cancer clusters are caused solely by ... wait for it ... by ... their two way radios! I propose banning all 2 way radios! We can help save firefighters from cancer!
I googled Seroquel XR and found out it's a prescription for bipolar decease. I disagree that "we" should be popping these pills since we are not the ones who hallucinate...wait...do you mean we should pop these pills into the Prius since its battery is bipolar? Where, gas tank or crank case? I bet it'll grealty reduce the EMF emmisions. Does it help mpg too?