Does anyone have a practical solution to the puny little sun visor Toyota has as standard equipment on the Prius? I prefer to sit back from the wheel when I drive and the low morning or afternoon sun just blasts in from the gaping hole left because of the short visor. My wife has a Yaris and the visors on it have an extension panel which covers that problem.
Unfortunately, there is no fix at this time other than some third-party thingy. I also sit back and commute south in the morning, north in the evening. The sun is always hitting the side of my face. Oh and, welcome to PriusChat! :welcome:
Cut out a piece of cardboard the size of the visor, secure it to the visor with a couple of rubber bands, one mid visor and one near the end of the visor. Slide the cardboard out for extra coverage. If that works for you but you don't like the way it looks, then make a more elegant version.
As sad as it sounds, I sometimes shove a piece of paper in the window between the rubber strip and the window.
Welcome Aboard! :welcome: Yeah, you're going to have to deal with the cheesy visor, or get some kind of aftermarket bolt-on. I'm afraid that's part of the price of being on the "cutting edge" of automotive evolution... I hope you're happy with the car otherwise. Drive Reckless... (without wrecks)
Welcome to PC. An alternative, but much more expensive solution is to move EAST of where you work (commute) LOL! I complain of the same problem. If only the visor were just a bit longer. Happy Motoring! Tom
Move south, where the sun spends more time well above the horizon. Alternately, you can move here, where the sun is generally hidden by clouds. Another solution that has worked well for many Prius owners is to transfer to a night shift, although this can still be a problem on clear nights with a full moon. Tom
Funny! I would almost do away with side airbag functionality to have a decent sunvisior. I might even be able to see something comming looking out the drivers window. :cheer2:
Overall I'm really pleased with the mileage I'm getting but my other main beef is the uber-complex GPS unit. They give you a handbook that would take a month to read! I can't remember all that stuff between usages and why TWO female voices, one that is unintelligible most of the time???? Have bought a Garmin instead!
Hey, are you guys talking about tiny visors? I though size didn't matter. LOL...I'm just too funny for an old man! Happy Motoring, Tom
Yes, there is a fix. Go to the .99 store and buy one of those boxes with a few kleenex inside. remove the kleenex and clip the box to your visor, it is somewhat adjustable to vertical and horizontal range. Not the perfect solution but helps about 95%. I also put the notes on procedures I need such as: check engine, diagnostic mode, 12V check, etc. :cheer2:
I solved it by adding a strip of window tint. It costs about $10/roll at the auto parts store and it's the "static cling" variety so if you don't like it, it will simply pull off in one piece with no adhesive residue. It's pretty easy to apply (I rate it about a four on a 1-10 scale of difficulty). I'd also strongly advise getting the darkest tint (limo grade). Ccombined with the black dots that are also there as a sun block, it works very well. :rockon: Please ignore the dust. :frown::sorry: PS I don't recommend using this type of tint for the other windows especially ones that are rolled down on a regular basis. BTDT Pay the pro's.
Also, there's this aftermarket one available in 3 colors on Amazon: [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] think they look and would work pretty well, and only cost $9.95 + $5.95 shipping for two. Personally, I already have a sun visor cds holder on mine. So, one of these days I'll just slide an approx 5" x 12" piece of stiff cardboard or plastic underneath the cds holder.
I just purchased "EXTEND-A-VISOR-THE SUPER SUN BLOCKER! (2 PACK): from Amazon. They arrived today and it took about 10 minutes of futzing around a bit to attached the pair sturdily, and the way I want. I think they'll do the trick (for me, anyway). : )
Macmaster, you break me up!!! 18% Suntek Carbon on your rear windows, etc. That's how YOU deal with "a little bit of sun" I Guess!! Happy Motoring
What are you talking about? The window tint is for appearance and my rear passengers. I drive to work facing the sun, and drive home at sunset when the sun is too low for the visor. But I'm not complaining or looking for alternative solutions.