That radiation box proved to be hazardous to one's health! Children got less exercise, and gained a lot more weight. Consumption of beer increased in adults. Lawrence Welk became the national hero of adults over 50. Barney Fife became the role model for policemen. Batman taught a new way of driving (Stop Signs are optional, What Speed Limit?) The average IQ of humans dropped as watching the radiation box increased. Yaba Daba Dooooo..... Keith :focus:
From their website: So this meter is specifically designed to ignore man-made EMF, which is exactly the kind people are worried about in the Prius. What a great choice of tools. Tom
This is the one I have used in my career They are on sale for about $70,000. Options are quite a bit more
Very nice. I <3 Agilent, although they are seriously overpriced. When you buy a $50,000 scope, and need an additional $15,000 in software "feature unlocks" it is just rediculous. Have you tried any of the firmware easter eggs? Some of them are quite entertaining! it seems like I should make a "EMF detector" and sell it for a few hundred dollars. Good profit margin and the users wouldnt be able to figure out if it is working or not!
Can anyone claiming that (non-ionizing) EMF is bad for you define "High EMF"? One gets the feeling that anything that ever made any needle twitch is "high". Before anyone can tell if the Prius has high EMF, it would seem we need a standard for what a High EMF is.
Do those PSAs still use 3.5" floppies? I was contributing to some of those E/V/PSAs before the telecomm bust. A clip of the Hallelujah Chorus on the radio this morning reminded me of the HP3314A Easter Egg, which several older coworkers were involved in. Am I dating myself?
$50k is a bargain... My last employer would easily spend over that much just on probes. And we were by no means using the fanciest scopes available... The costs of low-volume manufacturing and test equipment can be astounding at times.
Maybe write an iPhone app. You don't really need any hardware. Perhaps some combination of data from the camera and accelerometer would do for making the lights flash. Tom
I forgot to mention i used to be part of their VAR chain. Goes without saying I really liked all those pricey software unlock options! Nope. But just like you, I am seriously dating myself here! Some of those high end RF probes and discrete probes, they should have been sold in a solid gold display case. It actually would not have added that much to the price! So its rather amazing one can buy a Tri Field Meter that costs less than 2-3 Prius cars
I've used the meter to measure everything from microwaves emitting from an actual microwave and it really didn't take $10k to realize that it was picking up on that field as well. The meter seems to be right on the levels which others have published with other equipment so I'm fairly confident that it is getting decent measurements. I can even pinpoint the areas of highest radiation by simply getting it closer to whatever emits it. I can tell you that new LED tvs hardly put out any EMF and actually test manufacturer and FDA claims on such. I bought it because I'm a skeptic by nature and yet it's made me a believer pretty quickly. All I have to do is put it near a computer/adapter or whatever you'd like to test. I'm not trying to scare ppl away from the prius as much as I want the next generations of vehicles that are built to address these issues for our own well-being. The prius is a roadtrip car in my opinion and one of the best designs ever made IMHO, but when on a roadtrip you spend a lot of time in a car and if these readings are that high it definitely makes me worry for all passengers. This isn't a 2 minute hair drying at 300milliguass so please try to understand. As far as ghost are concerned I'd need to see Slimer(Yes, from Ghostbusters) himself and have a conversation with the entinty to be almost convinced.
Conclusions from scientific research In the area of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation approximately 25,000 articles have been published over the past 30 years. Despite the feeling of some people that more research needs to be done, scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research. Quoted from page 2 here: WHO | What are electromagnetic fields?
No, If that'd be the meter I had I would have found Marylin Monroe's ghost already and made her my perfect wife. She'd be really low maintenence as she wouldn't eat or be able to overdraft her credit card. On a more serious note.......I'd like to see how this "ghost hunting" DC meter compares in readings to my AC Trifield meter. Now I'm really curious about this one. Maybe I can find Einstein's ghost and he can help me shield my prius in the most efficient manner. :rockon: As I type this my prius lies in a garage with its interior stripped and ready for round 2 of shielding trials. ((c <--I'm going to try to shape the sheet metal around certain high emf emitting cables and areas in the car. I may just try throwing a 40w fluorescent bulb in the back while it has no seat to see if it lights up while driving at night. [ame=]YouTube - Glow In at STMS Campus - EMF[/ame] <---This is the supposed result. We'll see if it can be replicated.
Well I guess my 500 kV, high school Tesla coil killed me and my brothers with childhood leukemia. Actually the only effect the Tesla coil had came from the high levels of ozone that gave everyone a mild bronchitis. Thereafter, I only ran it with the windows open and the bedroom door closed. It was great on Halloween. The florescent tubes under a power line reminded of a trick (rumor?) I once read about. The report was a farmer who noticed his wire fence lines could 'couple' with the power lines that ran through his land. So he just tapped the 'free power' with his parallel, wire capacitors. Well guess I'll lay some CLF lamps around the Prius and we'll see what happens. Bob Wilson
What does EMF really mean? Is it Extreme Methanol Farts? Those are really high in energy content and definitely hazardous to health. They're really addictive too. As soon as you inhale some of it, you'd go into a state of uncontrolable laughter that makes you suck in more and more of the EMF. Anyone here have a Tri-meter that can detect this kind of EMF emmission BEFORE it occurs? I'd be willing to shell out $$$ to get one.
Whoa! This EMF is really powerful. Just talking about it already threw me into a state of uncontrolable laughter and caused a serious series of this kind of EMF emmisiom from myself. Now I discovered that it's not just hazardous and additive, it's also acting like a virus as in self-replicating too. THIS IS GETTING REAL SERTOUS, PEOPLEEMFEMF
I sure feel silly now back in the day when I did RF EMI compliance testing with Hewlett Packard Test and Measurement VSA style scopes that cost as much as a starter home Imagine how much further along I'd be in my career right now if I had the Tri Field Meter Oh, and wait till you scope a Chevy Cobalt. You'll want to wrap your genitals in aluminum foil
You'll want to use a ground strap with a 1 Mohm resistor to ground the foil to the car body too. :madgrin: