I'm talking gen2, but asking about gen3. My wife's car a 2008 Prius:cheer2:. She drives with jack rabbit starts, 70 on the freeway. Checking the battery, without her seeing me , it's mostly all green. She's not using the battery. The Prius always thinks it needs the engine running. That's how I can tell how she's been driving, look at the battery icon. This car is one good car. All she has trouble with is tires. What I'm asking is there any help for me with the gen3 or I know not out yet, gen lV. I know the gen3 has 3 position driving modes. Would the rabbit (fast) mode help, don't know what's called? Vern :twitch:
Sounds like your wife drives like mine! I can achieve 54 mpg easily with smooth starts and normal driving. She gets behind the wheel and within 10 mile my mileage will drop 5 mpg! This is also apparent in our CR-V (her primary vehicle). I can drive it after she's driven it all week and the MPG meter will jump from 22 mpg to 24 mpg just with the change in driving habits. In your case, I would try putting it in ECO mode and see if that helps. Unfortunately, putting the peddle to the metal is going to cause the engine to engage no matter what mode you choose. Choosing Power (fast) will only make her more willing to put the peddle to the metal because it will be more of a thrill when doing so! Either way, if the engine is running and under load all the time, you could save yourself some money, forego the Gen 3 Prius, buy her a Corolla, and put the money you save toward gas!
Paul58, It's a 2008, no mode buttom. Thanks. She's an old lady 39 plus and still having fun with life. The milage is definitely less then 50 mpg. I really hate to say it, but the Leaf might be the solution. Wouldn't own a Corolla. My neighbors actually are using all my over production of Solar power. I've got a very small carbon foot print. I drive a Hummer, we all have at least one bad habit. You know mine. Production: https://www.sunpowermonitor.com/res...FD16-7605-4C98-B2C4-773C5426EDF6&type=address Vern :twitch:
The 2010's (3rd gen) Power Mode makes the car feel more responsive as in less push on the gas pedal, more response from the car. It ultimately doesn't make the car faster, just feel more responsive (more sensitive gas pedal). Don't know if that helps.
Paul58, I had to go check that one out. Nice car! That's me with my back to the Teksa.:wave: No, Not the guy taking the picture at the back of the Telsa. I do have hair some place. Telsa::cheer2: Vern :twitch:
Why don't you let her drive the way she wants to? Why worry about it, it won't hurt the car and she will still get better mileage than she would with any other car. I have had two wives and if I learned anything at all it was that some things are better left as they are.
39 is old? Ugh, I must be ancient. However she drives the Prius, it still gets better mileage than other cars driven the same way.
tumbleweed, She doesn't know a thing. That's why I peek at the battery icon. I'm on my second also. This one for over 40 years. We both have young people lock inside us. Help! Are you a White girl that poops in the back yard. Hay! It's Sunday and I'm bored. Vern :twitch:
I got it, I was thinking of posting something in regards to the the title as well. Maybe she can sell copper piping, door to door?
When you peddle something, you sell it door to door. That's why I thought you might be a salesman. Pedal, on the other hand, or should I say foot, means "of or pertaining to the foot", as in the accelerator pedal. Tom
I've been seeing "peddle" in place of "pedal" so often here that I was starting to wonder if it was a Britishism or something like that.