My son tells me that I can connect a cable from the OBD connection in the car to my laptop and that I can get all the software I want free. Is this correct? And exactly what is the exact terminology for this cable. If all this is correct, then maybe I should just get the software first. Can one buy this cable at Frys, Ebay or what? Thankyou.
Couple of different options, especially if you have a droid or iPhone / iPad. One place to start would be: Innovate motorsports OT-2 or Palmer Performance Engineering, I can't post links yet so you will have to google it. They have products that can connect you by WI-FI or usb, but they cost some money, some offer free software, some don't. Hope that helps.
What do you want to do with the device? Better define your needs and do some research before you buy. Free software often has some limitation thus may or may not suit your needs. As for the device this one is pretty good: LLC - OBDLink Scan Tool/OBD Interface - and there are of course cheap "Chinese clones" but I would rather support US based industry. Good luck!
Some discussion of it over at Bottom line: OK for generic things like emissions problems, real time display of RPM and the like. Useless for all the Prius specific things that you'd like to have a scantool for.
Thankyou, I did read the whole thread. I also ran across another one, the galletto 1260, I suppose it is also another clone of limited use...?
Weird. Worked fine for me. It's also listed on Just search for "OBDLink". Or just search "OBD" and see all kinds of devices available there. Good luck!
As far as supporting US Industry I would love to, in fact I should be able to go to my local automotive store, electronic or Toyota and buy this simple cable. BUT I can't. IF, I could buy the parts I could assemble one! I would much rather buy anything locally than on line.
You are totally correct on the scanners, it doesn't seem to matter weather you spend $50 or $ 500, most of the information given is generally worthless and repetitive.
I suppose it is such a tiny niche market that it won't be a viable business model unless it's online.
Possibly. With 300000000 vehicles out there and 75% being OBD II compliant, and perhaps 10% hobby mechanics, I think that works out to 30 million potential customers who all have computers at $5-$10 a cable that works out to a 300million dollar gross Double the price to 20 and that now equals a 600 million dollar gross! I believe the cables have to be Auto brand specific. Tho there are only 4 wires to the usb. I know for sure there are struggling Americans.
Yes, Adri member from Hybrid synergy forum italy made the blue can ju + blue log post is Hybrid Synergy Forum/ Hybrid area / Blue Can / Blue Log la nuova creatura di Adri. bye giorgio ----- hybrid synergy
My Triumph motorcycle has an OBD port. You can buy the diagnostic tool from Triumph for the paltry sum of $1200 USD. Most owners simply want to load new fuel maps after doing engine modifications; primarily better flowing exhaust systems. A dealer will typically charge $100 to load a new map with their tool. An aftermarket startup company (actually one guy) came up with a OBD-laptop solution for $400 that will do everything the dealer tool will. It became a limited success especially for owners who wanted to make more than a couple of map changes and want to avoid the hassles of going to a dealership. Now there is another freeware version (again, one guy) that along with a $20 USB-OBD cable sourced from ebay will do everything: read/clear diagnostic codes, load new maps, edit maps at will, change engine operating parameters, throttle body balancing, etc. Quite frankly I'm rather surprised the Prius community doesn't have a similar solution.
On the basis of generic ability it is no problem, however it is not very useful. The "Techies" do not have access to the propretary programs that can give peculiar ECU info concerning the Prius. Eventually they may. We have a lot of very sharp people on this site. I guess the Auto manufacturers are afraid people might know too much and not go to the dealers for repair, which is rediculous. We have people on this site that can't be bothered searching and reading what they need. And of course just plain greed enters into the picture. However should just one company provide total info on thier MFD to include present operating parameters, DTC and repair procedures, that will open the market up! Some day. My personal contention was having to send to China for a simple cable. Glad to hear of your progress on your MC. :cheer2:
I have an ELM327. You an read all the codes, but you need to use it manually and know what commands to use. Very complicated to do. I also have the AutoEnginuity with the Toyota package, that does almost everything. You can bleed brakes etc. BUt you can't progam SMKS FOBs or TMPS sensors.
AutoBeYours has a scanner that runs on a Droid phone, and uses a BlueTooth OBD device... Android Smartphone Toyota Scanner They say they are comming out with an iPhone version, eventually. This device can read and clear Toyota specific Prius codes...