+ or - 5 lbs...are you serious? No way! not even a piss and a poop would equal that much unless you are a sasquatch. Even with a Dr Oz approved coiler, you cannot achieve a 5 pound hot squat. Maybe Dr Fusco will chime in on this one? But I can't believe that is not a joke. My guess would be 2 pounds max, much less for a man of normal weight. Probably one pound for even the most corpulent women out there.....sheesh. Talk about hypermilers...oy vay SCHMEAR =)
Ya know, I could tell you a story about something like that. Not quite that bad, but very similar. If don' see spoiler in rearview, don' back out Side note - a way to decrease weight, increase FE - when 'empty', fill with only 4 gallons, or less
Lol ok maybe 3-4 pounds. Eat a big meal. Weigh yourself before you need to use the bathroom. Go. Weigh yourself after. I think I'll try it tonight too.
The numbers I've seen indicate a maximum bladder capacity of a liter or less, the same for men and women. That is consistent with 2 pounds. The typically used volume is much less, and men and women differ.
Intellectual Priussians... what a discussion!! I am so proud to be a part of this crowd! I guess there is nothing else that bothers them more in this life: time to write a research on the weight of human waste. Or simply "google" it...
So if less weight = better fuel economy how come the GIII is 10% better than the GII, even though it's heavier (by 100-200 lbs). There is more to fuel economy than weight grasshopper!
There is when I am driving. And there is another one when a passenger is riding. My condolences on your medical condition requiring a urinary collection bag. But can't that also be called a bladder? No one in my household enters a car with anywhere near that much load. In fact, I don't think the accumulated load reaches much over 1/4 pound before I am ordered to make an emergency pit stop.
I can't believe more than one person has done this! How could anyone miss the fact the hatch is open??
But i'm pretty sure you get not only a red warning icon on the dash, but also a loud beeping noise if you try and drive with any of the doors open!
Ouch that looks expensive. You're not the only one though. I reversed mine into the garage door when the hatch was open and the car was only a week old! Luckily no damage that didn't buff out.
I'm lowerinbg my car in like a month. It'll be raked. 1.4" in front, .7" back. I'll tell u if that actually improves mileage.
If you really want to reduce weight then only keep the fuel pips at 3-4 max. More frequent fillups but better mpg. What's your priority ---- mpg or time.