Yes. The Prius III has the JBL sound system which has more speakers and importantly a sophisticated amplifier. It sounds pretty darn good with some kick on the low end. Then you'd need to decide between a III without navigation/backup camera and a 'plain' III. The backup camera is really nice to have sometimes (i.e. parallel parking). I haven't heard the II's base sound system, but typically, they lack some presence and clarity. The other option is to put in an aftermarket sound system in a II. I'm not an install expert, but I do know to get a sound system in the car requires lots of work including removal of door panels, and pulling up trim and carpet to install wiring, even through the firewall. It may not get put back together quite the same. In fact, Toyota dealer cracked my driver's door panel (bad armrest) when replacing, so there are risks involved to non-experts pulling things apart. They did order another new panel and put it in perfectly. Good luck!
Since my child will be learning to drive on whatever Prius I buy today, I wonder whether the backup camera would be a helpful safety item? Your thoughts?
It may be helpful but far from necessary. Most of us learned to drive w/o the aid of a backup camera... Sorry, showing our age. And to get the backup camera, you have to get navigation which is an $1800 option so make sure you want and would make use of navi considering the cost just to get a camera...
Good point. And I've thought if the nav touchscreen failed or the motorized flip face fails out of warranty, that could be awfully pricey to fix or replace. Plus you get the USB interface in the III w/nav package. Don't know how much to add that aftermarket.
My '03 Lexus has 155,000 miles on it and the motorized screen is fine (my '10 ES doesn't have a motorized screen). You very rarely operate it...unless you swap CDs a lot but who does that anymore? For a new driver, personally I think they should learn to drive without the backup camera or parking sensors. With all these electrical doo-dads on cars today...people don't really learn how to drive anymore. Just like the Nav, if you use the Nav all the time you don't learn how to get anywhere...
Don't forget, the III also comes with bluetooth hands free for your cell phone, another safety item. And, the Nav is not available on the II, so if you want Nav w/back-up camera capabilities, you have to get a III or higher... Personally, I think the III has the best mix of features for the money. The price increase between the II and III is much less that the difference from the III to the IV.
I tried backing into a parking space in this rental III w/nav with a napkin taped over the backup camera screen. The result - much less confidence backing into the space. First two tries ended up with 4 ft. behind the car and too forward. Next try, the bumper was just over the curb. If a wall was there may have hit it. I try not to rely solely on the backup camera, but it is a great aid to back up to within a couple feet from a car behind. Otherwise, it is quite difficult for me to judge backup distance.
I bought the fresnel lens someone recommended elsewhere on this site for help in backing up. $9.99 at Pep Boys. It gives you a better view in the back as to how much distance you have between yourself and other cars/trees/etc.. I plan to buy a new Garmin GPS with bluetooth for $119. For my needs, the extra cost didn't warrant the III. I am fine with the sound system in the II. Use my iPod via the aux jack. I tried upping the base on the sound system and got an unpleasant vibration in the speaker on the driver's side, so went back to the default setting. The sound system is fine for my needs. It all comes down to what is important to each individual driver.
The search function at this site is your friend. This subject has been discussed in many threads. Also, don't buy any car until you've done more research.
I do not know mang (ghetto slang), I get kinda bummed when I turn up the volume knob and nothing happens (the II). Some don't mind. To each his/her own.
I have to agree, I think the III provides a better value over the II, you get a lot for the additional money.
Your buying this for a new learner? I would never recommend this model to a first time driver on account of the rear visibility alone. I came to the Prius after time in a Nissan Murano and after 30+ years of driving...I still have to be pretty careful moving to the left lane...Get him or her a Nissan Versa and be done.