I've been trying to implement all the tips I've picked up here on PC for improved FE and I think the results are reflecting that. :rockon: Before buying, the days at the dealership in full demo mode yielded a whopping 33.7mpg before I hit the first reset. My first tank which included at lot of hwy and VERY high winds still squeaked into the 50+mpg zone at 50.1mpg. Second tank: 52.1mpg. Third: 52.8mpg Fourth tank: I've been floating around the 53.x zone but this morning I broke through to 54.1 at the 1/2 tank mark. Fingers crossed I can keep it there. All #'s from MFD. Here's what I'm doing: I use the HSI screen and ECO mode almost exclusively, Employing Pulse & Glide and stealth (EV) driving techniques as much as possible. Bumped my tire pressures up to 39f/38r from the very low range (33/32) the dealership had set them at for delivery. Changed oil at 1k miles. Not done for FE per se but just mentioning it. Cooler temps (3rd and 4th tank) mean less and less a/c use down here. I'm struggling not to engage it on the afternoon drive home but the solar vent helps tremendously with keeping the interior/leather seats reasonable. Typical daily route: 80% city/20% hwy Light traffic I try to stick to city speed limits (30-45) and 65mph on the hwy. If I can keep it there, I think 54mpg will be about my best. Anything above that will probably require too many limits/restrictions for me. Will see.....
+1 I got Priapus in August and was just figuring it out when temperatures dropped. I had the Winter to practice and when Spring hit my mileage shot up. Well done!! :rockon:
Really guys? Oh man, I can't wait for spring then. I picked up a couple of more tenths too: 54.3mpg. Maybe I can tag 55mpg by the end of the tank. One thing I failed to mention is I've also changed my daily route. I live in a small town and everyone knows "the shortcut" to get across town. Think of a crude right angle triangle with points A, B, & C. The shortcut goes directly from A to C but it mostly 30mph two lane streets, a school, and heavy traffic during commute times. I've changed to the slightly longer A to B to C route that has higher speeds (35-45mph) and 4 lanes with lighter traffic. I can get the P&G going here more frequently and for longer durations. If the planets align and I hit all the stop lights turning green during the glides, it's like winning at slots!
You sound like me........watching the crossing set of lights or pedestrian walking signs to predict if you're gonna get the red or if it stays green. because if it's gonna turn yellow as you approach the intersection I don't wanna fire up the ICE just to hit the brakes!!!!!! I save a couple drops of gas every time I guess right
I'm also in texas -- houston area -- currently at 60.2mpg thru 1500 miles on mine...and yes since the temps are dropping the mpg is starting to drop a bit as well. I basically keep it in ECO mode and use a LOT of cruise control, I never P&G. Average speed on my 52 RT commute is 51mph.
Hey Jeff. How's Craig? (lame Astro's joke) Dude you're rockin' it. Are you commuting on IH-45? My FE drops even at 65mph because, I think, of the constant winds (living close to the coast) and no traffic to break the wind/draft on the open road. I'm wondering if bumper to bump but flowing traffic is that big of a help.
South Texas may be different on how much FE changes summer to winter--how cool is it when you drive in the mornings? I was in SW Texas last winter and caught a good bit of frigidity (and low MPGs on the 80 MPH portion of I-10 or whichever one it is) , but I don't know much about SE Tex. along the Gulf. I'd be interested in knowing this--does the longer A-B-C route with higher MPGs actually save on total gas used? Total time?
Easy isn't it? I had a rental 2010 and was driving it more aggresively/less smoothly than I usually drive mine. Was still showing 54 MPG's on the gage when I turned it in. I've never seen any evidence that these cars need to be 'broken in' to get great FE. My 09 was well over 50 MPG's right after I bought it (was warm in August and had favorable high mileage conditions).
What I found useful was to record the tanks and conditions and test various routes: I snapshot the Google Map into PowerPoint and then tested the various routes. Over time, I've found one route that seems to perform best. The other routes do OK too but this has become the favorite. Retesting shows it remains the best approach. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Great suggestion Bob and that should answer Kgall's question if the longer route with better FE route will save on total gallons used over the shorter route. Another benefit I've found to the better FE route is it is much less hectic and stressful thus giving me more "smiles per gallon"! Now the bad news: I'm not worthy. I slipped back to 53.8 by the end of the tank due to a cold spell (at least for down here) with a couple of 55f mornings. The longer warmups, especially the morning commute, wouldn't allow for my first and very long P&G into town. I'm now seeing firsthand the winter effect everyone talks about.
That will only last for the the first couple 1000 miles, then you will drive it normal and get in the 40's mpg rang. The Prius is a lot more fun when you drive it like any other car.