OK: Leaving the Prius for 3 months I just purchased a Solar trickle charger. ++ Can I install the clips at the fuse box area under the hood [pos.+ and -negative post]? *** The fuse box connection area is alot easier, if it works there.
They both do the same thing, so it should be OK. Lots of folks use a solar system to keep the 12v happy. H
First off, how much power does the Solar unit put out???? I have a 4Runner that EATS batterys for fun, Now that I have the Prius I had to park the 4Runner for extended periods of time. That being said I tried the Solar route, that just turned out to be a LARGE waste of money! I ended up putting a Optima yellowtop in the 4Runner and purchased one of these from my local Toyota dealer. You can also find these units at Amazon.com.. Amazon.com: ctek battery charger Here is a You tube video of the unit... Since I have used this unit, I NEVER HAVE TO WORRY that the battery in the truck will be dead. It is a very smart charger, and for the last 14 months the 4Runner starts up EVERY time. Since I had trouble on my last 3 week vacation where my Prius battery died twice, I ended up buying a Yellowtop for the Prius as well as a second Ctek unit for the car. Now if I ever have to leave the car parked for an extended time, I just pull a extension cord to the car, plug it in!!!
Update: Well, I hooked up the solar battery charger to the fuse box area battery jumper post [pos.+ & neg.-] I will not know if it works until I get back from my 3 MONTH TRIP.
You should have bought a COROLLA (the most RELIABLE CAR in the WORLD) and then you wouldn't have any worries.
Sounds like Charlie and the M.T.A. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.T.A. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VMSGrY-IlU]Kingston Trio - M.T.A. - YouTube[/ame]