Petrol bomber throws petrol bomb and runs into lamppost whilst escaping. BBC News - Broadfield pub petrol bomber runs into lamppost [ame=""]YouTube - Petrol Bomber Runs Into Lamppost[/ame] lol, that really must have hurt!
I grew up and lived within 1hr of the dragon which is a road between TN and NC. There is absolutely 0 cell service on the mountain except in 2 spots. One is at the overlook and the other is at the Deals Gap store. I have witnessed a few wrecks and almost been in a few myself. It happens daily there during busy riding season. The people in the motor home are idiots. When there is a wreck on the gap everyone bonds like family to help out. They were in 0 danger.
Agreed, and thanks for the info bigd. If they were thinking things thru (which they weren't really), they're in more danger of physical harm by driving off. Driving off would anger the bikers more than stopping, and there were enough cyclists that some of them could easily have followed them. At best they'd get their license plate recorded and be reported to the police for leaving the scene of an accident. If it was an actual Hell's Angels type gang, then they'd at least get their windows broken. I think the driver wanted to stop, but others were urging him on. You could argue that the person was being attended to, it wasn't like he/she was being left behind. But it still wasn't proper behavior. Kinda weird though how the biker just drove straight off - didn't see the turn or couldn't make it and didn't try?
If you're stuck in the snow it's always handy to know if your car is front or rear wheel drive. Poor girl, she's cleared the snow from her car, switched her lights on and then cleared the snow from the wrong set of wheels. Didn't expect she'd leave it in Drive though! D'oh.
So that's why the dogs always chase you on a sled or whatever - it's not you it's after, they just want to ride too! I saw the TV show with the guy shooting at the driving range, it was some kind of punk'd show, but it really freaked out some of the people there.