If you want to "buy 'merican" then buy your kid a Tesla. Better than a Prius, and any teenager would love to have one. No gas, and everything but the shell is built in California.
He outed himself by writing pretty well. Far cry from his original posts -- wonder what his boss would think of this charade ? Especially when he posts on company time. Creating a fantasy character like "Jocko" allows you to avoid dealing with the real issues in your life. He needs more practice though -- his game is too transparent and unpolished. Getting more attention from friends and family might help his situation though. His negative retorts are juvenile but amusing so I hope he sticks around.
Hey buddie I left you the welome message in the newbee forum. I am not sure why but these guys don't like knew members. There picking on you and it is not fair. Ken has allot of information and is being helpful (except the parent part). Keep your head up. Don't let this jayrider from a corrupt state like illinois get on your nerves.
Thanks for the chuckles....especially you jayrider. "Jocko"- you need to "Jap"-slap whoever set you up with your avatar. Might I suggest an image of Jefferson Davis Collie III instead? Seems a bit more in character.
Greetings Skandor. Hey, I'm a victim of state corruption not a beneficiary. A little sympathy would be in order here. If this keeps up, folks will accuse us of perpetuating a three way trollfest. Very amusing --- no hard feelings on my part but you have to admit that the persona's you two embrace in this forum aren't credible. I would expect that you are both decent fellows trying to have a little fun at the expense of others. You might check out the World Wrestling Federation about joining the circuit as a tag team. I can see it now, "And in this corner the Evil Sheik and his partner Jocko the Crimped Faced Man". Where can I buy tickets !!
Hey, Skandor, It's not that we don't like newbees (we gladly welcome them), it's just that there is no place for troll posters on this site (they waste everybody's time) & somebody like Jocko (who starts off by being so negative, hateful, & insulting) typically gets labeled as a troll. Thanks for your compliment on my being helpful, but why are you also criticizing about "the parent part" like Jocko is fixated on? I saw your "welcome" post in the newbie forum & you too made a comment about "not giving a girl a car & letting her drive" (somewhat along the same thoughts as mine, yet your comments are O.K. but mine aren't?). I just elaborated a little more on the reasons for my thoughts. And finally, (I'm NOT being critical of you here, but) I just wondered if you really thought the Prius is an "electric-only" car that needs to be charged daily by an extension cord. The Prius has been sold in this country for 10 years now & has always been labeled as a (gasoline/electric) hybrid with never a need for charging the (high voltage) battery unless somebody has driven one without gas & repeatedly restarted it after the safety shutdowns until the HV battery is so depleted that it can no longer start (which actions will void your battery warranty). Then you will have to call the Toyota dealer & wait for them to get one of the few "special" HV chargers that circulate around the country & that could take a few weeks to work it into the schedule to arrive at your dealer. The Prius high voltage battery charges itself when driving above 40 MPH, when coasting to slow down, & during normal braking & doesn't ever need any other form of re-charging (except for when the "special" charger is required by the Toyota dealer as stated above). The talk about the "plug-in" version that won't be available to the public for another year or two may have caused some of the confusion, but that version will still be a gasoline/electric hybrid (still has to run on gas much of the time), but no matter how low the battery gets at the end of the day when you shut it off, plugging it in over night will give you a full battery when you start off in the morning (to give you more distance to cover in electric-only mode before the gas engine has to start to begin re-charging). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Another thoughtful post, Ken, but they aren't interested in a prius -- it's all a sham. I admire your persistance in being helpful and informative but unfortunately it is wasted in this regard. They are just playing. No one enters a forum looking for help playing roles like Akbar and Jocko. You are way too trusting and that's how they get their jollies. For what it's worth, their intent is pretty benign but the application needs a lot more work. It's way too transparent to be effective after the first few posts. They both need to "fess" up or risk the eternal damnation of their mortal souls.
Ken, JayRider, Jacko, and Admiral Ackbar are all PC noobs. Leave and don't come back until you have something interesting for the rest of us to read.
I expect this discussion has run it's course, but I don't see how it affects your participation in any way. Just don't read the posts. Now if this was keeping anyone from posting messages that interest you, you might have a case. Apparently it hasn't. Why don't you post something of interest. Chill out and keep your insults to yourself. I did enjoy the "leave and don't come back" command. VERY amusing. Your attempt at levity in your post re: the Chevy Volt "does this mean you will suffocate in the garage?" shows you like to talk a bit of trash as well. Interesting how you compartmentalize. At any rate -- no hard feelings on my part but I'll post when and where I want within the guidelines of the forum.
why the hateing? Are you the mad hateer or something?:cheer2: Do I have to right something that is for your interest :focus: I think the topic was weather or not Jocko was two buy a used or new prius. what is a PC noobs? why you have a love on for Cobie and the lakeers when you live in the Bay Area Houston ? that is weird.