OP, if you can read this post you ARE IN GRAVE DANGER OF GETTING HIGH EMF DOSAGE from your computer. Stay away from your computer, never to return to this forum, better still, donate your computer to a school.
Obviously the EMF has caused a reduced sense of humor in this thread. I was joking for the sake of sarcasm. You guys should know me by now. I only have two testes, although I did start to grow breasts... <waits for the next round of concerned posts> Tom
Well that is such a common problem with older men that it won't generate too much concern. I would recommend a bro though.
Me Too!!! When I started reading PriusChat nearly 3 years ago, I was only drinking tea (with a small amount of natural caffeine). The more I read PriusChat, I started drinking Budweiser (3.2% alcohol), then wine (average alcohol content 12 %). About a year ago I started taking shots of whiskey with each new thread I would read on PriusChat. A couple of months ago, I started taking lines of cocaine with every 4th shot of whiskey. Today in rehab, I led a discussion on how the EMF fields generated by the several million hybrid automobiles on the road are disturbing the earth's natural magnetic field. Moisture in the air is affected by changing magnetic fields. (Water composed of two Hydrogen atoms attached to a single Oxygen atom. On average, the Hydrogen atoms reside at 104.5 degrees from each other thus making water molecules slightly polar in nature - This is why microwaves heat water in a microwave oven.) Well, the electromagnetic disturbance of the atmosphere caused by the operation of millions of hybrid vehicles has caused the water in the atmosphere to absorb more solar radiation, thus leading to global warming. The Obama Administration is aware of this and convinced GM to change the Volt from a pure electric vehicle (with a higher EMF field) to a regular hybrid vehicle until NASA can invent an effective, light-weight EMF shield. That is my story, and I'm sticking to it... Keith P.S. With all the money I've spent in rehab, I'm going to have to delay the purchase of the new 2004 Prius I've been saving for...
thanks to qbee42 for his non-nonsensical response. again, all I wanted was some thoughts about the issue I read about. I find that the bashers are simply just bored out of their minds, not unlike teenagers who go drinking and cruising on a Friday night looking for trouble.
As an electrical engineer, I am experienced with this stuff, and while there is no "conclusive" evidence that electromagnetic fields cause zero harm, I don't believe the amount exposed to passengers in the Prius is significant. Normal wiring in your house's walls emits levels similar to this. As Donee pointed out, this level is quite low. It's almost undetectable without special equipment, whereas the earth's own field can be easily monitored with a compass. The battery wiring in the Prius largely travels under the body where it is shielded from the inside of the car by the steel floor, and in the back, it's all also inside a metal box. On top of that, the conductors are close to each other which is intended to reduce battery loop inductance, which also has the effect of canceling out magnetic fields.
I agree that the OP asked a legitimate question, regardless of whether it irritiated some responders. What troubles me more is that an question viewed as ignorant by some readers caused them to call him an 'idiot' and generallly be rude. We have lost the social skills of diplomacy and politeness and are becoming a society of flamers in the internet age. Too much vitriol. Perhaps we need some rules here like the new 'personal foul' rules for roughness in the NFL.
i dont care about the cellphones and stuff that are only there to give us more comfort that people are used to have. ( spoiled ) what i do care about is health and when EMF is not good or not proven to be bad then its BAD> so lose al those cellphone and shutdown all sat's. then onlye keep it all hardwired and make sure that its EMF is reduced to what is thechnical possible at the time.
Anything with a moving current will produce EMF, so hardwiring everything doesnt really solve any problems.
But once you remove the need to radiate, shielding and other techniques can be used to mitigate unwanted EMF. With wireless devices, radiating is part of the process. With wired devices it is a side effect that can be largely mitigated. Tom
Largely but not completely. There will always be fields present. Especially since we are this pesky planet...
Did anyone stop to consider that electromagnetic fields and the electromagnetic spectrum are quite natural things? Of course being natural doesn't make things "safe" -- water is natural and we need it, but it can kill us. But let's see (pun intended)... the sun sends us light and we utilize it to see. We are constantly bombarded with light (at least for part of the day), but it can also give us sunburns, cancer and leathery skin. I'd worry more about using proper sun screen than sitting in the back seat of a Prius. 3PriusMike
What about these magnetic wrist bands? If such a low level of EMF is bad, what about the actual magnetic field from these? Could it harm the Prius?
Never wear more than 10 on a certain intimate private part of the male anatomy It was a painful lesson - those flexible bands tend to get caught in .... Well, you get the idea
Welcome to PriusChat. We used to have another poster named jayman, but he has been missing for some time. Tom
the post under here is what i mean yes always just like nucliar radiations is also naturel but only no harm when its in small amounts what do you think the amounts of wireless radiation is today water can kill you if its more then you can handle (lots of EMF ) and if your at the wrong place like in the water and know way to get out ( on this wireless planet ) soits piontless to keep saying that wireless radiationor EMF or what ever is no problem because whe keep on getting more of it and only part by part is measured for its radiotion level ( yes there are levels to keep it wihtin regulations and t hat becauuse of health risk ) but whe never look at the total picture or do we
Just to be clear, I dont believe EMF on this scale is threatening in any way. I am just playing devil's advocate. Anyone who is an engineer and believes this mumbo jumbo is even more crazy than normal people crazy...