We (probably me) have managed to misplace one of our Smart Keys. My husband seldom drives the Prius but I use his Smart Key often--when I don't want to take my purse where mine is kept--his is hanging by the back door. My dealer wants $312 for key and programming. Help? On Edit: Linked into a wibsite from this site that sells OEM SmartKeys--so they say. Has anyone done business with www.ikeyless.com? Their unit is $199--says dealer must program it (which I know).
There are numerous posts on this... $312 is fair for keyfob (which I thought was like $180 on its own), key blank (really is optional - only need it if the battery is dead - and then, most have a service like AAA that will unlock it) - which costs like $80 at my dealer (pre-cut), then programming. You can buy keyfobs on Ebay at $50 each. One thought is buy a few (2+), and get the dealer to do them all - get a quote on programming (dealers have to make a call to get pre-used fobs working). Since they are already programming, shouldn't cost more for extras. I have 4 for my car (2 from car, one from previous car, one from Ebay). There are also keyblanks on Ebay and elsewhere around $10. A local locksmith can cut them for like $20. I never bothered, and to date, have no idea which of my 4 will actually open a door (guess I have a 50/50 chance)...
I just went through this not long ago... My Toyota dealer wanted $271 for the fob + $95 for the programming. Checking around, I found that the Toyota list price is something like $240 (It's a good question why my dealer wanted $30 more...but now I know that they mark things up...) Anyway, $312 is more or less par for Toyota dealers will charge (unless you have my dealer...grrr...) Checking around in the internet, I found that MetroTPN will sell a brand new Toyota fob for about $180+shipping. I bought two from them and had them both programmed at the same time. It's the same price whether you have them program one or program two... At the time, I looked on eBay and I was never able to find a 2010 Prius fob for anywhere close to $50. $150 was about the best I could find. There was no problem finding pre-2010 fobs for $50 so it's probably only a matter of time. Maybe it's already happened. I haven't looked recently. The eBay fobs were "like new" (though I had to read the fine print in many cases to find this out). Probably not really a problem since "like new" will probably work as well as "new" but I was happier spending a few bucks more with MetroTPN (I've had really good service from them so far...) I got blank keys from iKeyless ($18 each -- they sent the wrong key at first but they were very quick to fix that problem with no hassle on my part.). I can have the blanks cut at a locksmith that specializes in automotive, but I haven't gotten around to it yet... Since the loop for the key ring (or purse clip or whatever) is on the key and not on the fob itself, it's nice having the key blanks even if they are not cut.
Found the darn thing! Not at all where I should have put it--since it was in my home office I can't blame my husband. Thanks for the info. members!
Complete fobs, either three or three + A/C or three + liftback unlock, cost about $85 on The Bay. Some sellers are "stripping" the kits of the mechanical keys and are then selling just the fob for $85, and an extra $10 or so for the uncut mechanical key. The FCC ID is impressed on the back of your sole remaining fob, and you must get a replacement fob which has the same FCC ID. In the case of my 2012 Liftback, bought used with only one fob and no key code tag, the FCC ID is HYQ14ACX. But there are at least four other FCC IDs used in the full-sized Prius product line (consult the user's manual for details). The HYQ14ACX is available in three, three + A/C and three + liftback lock models. All appear to be made on the same raw printed circuit board, but with the appropriate changes made during the final stages of manufacturing.
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