I'm a fan of the industrial Windex that still has the ammonia smell, but I was wondering if anyone has a solution for cleaning the inside of my Prius windows without worrying about the overspray. Otherwise, I am cleaning the dash every time. Do any of the windshield wipes work or is it best to stick with the Windex & an old barber style cloth? Fred
You'd be surprised what a little warm water and a good cloth rag (or microfiber) can do to clean interior windows. Glass Cleaner would do better on the exterior, where you typically get sticky spots, bird droppings, suicide bug guts, etc. I just use water and a micro fiber on the interior. The windshield is a PITA to clean due to the angle and how far out the dash protrudes, at least for me. I've been known to honk at the garage door a few times while cleaning the driver side of it
I really like Windex with vinegar pre-moistened wipes. They work great on the front glass so you don't have to have spots on your dash and work especially well on dog nose streaks on my back windows.
I use a product called Invisible Glass, it goes on as a light foam so it doesn't run. It does a good job of cleaning the interior and exterior of the glass and is safe for use on tinted windows. You will get some over spray, but it wipes off easily and will clean the dash as you wipe it. You could probably spray it directly on the cleaning cloth too...
Sprayway - it's amonia free - streakless and has no objectionable odor. I spray it on a folded paper towel, rub-clean and then wipe with a microfiber cloth.
The cleaning solution is not the problem for me. I just CAN NOT reach the bottom of the windshield because of the angle. I'm tall and just can't contort my body to get into the angle of the windshield! I try to reach in by standing outside the car, but I don't get the leverage I need to properly clean the glass. Happy Motoring! tom
Here's some threads with tips and products used for windshield/inside window cleaning: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...hooting/22243-cleaning-inside-windshield.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...oting/67193-what-window-cleaner-wash-use.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...67032-spotting-windshield-lawn-sprinkler.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...bleshooting/69120-window-washing-dummies.html My suggestions and products I use are contained within a few of them.
I think I read somewhere that they sell a "tool" to reach the bottom of the windshield. It reminded me of those disposable toilet brush things. I manage to reach my hand facing upwards into those areas, but as I said, I tend to honk at the garage when I'm doing it because I end up leaning into the steering wheel. Maybe I will try to imagine something over the winter when I tend to have less going on.
There are products for this. Below one from Griot's, but they're pretty expensive. I've seen similar items in auto parts stores for a fraction of the price. Window Cleaner Set - Glass Cleaning - Car Care - Griot's Garage
That is an Invisible Glass product that you can get at Walmart for $15 or $16. Griot is a riot! It works pretty well, but it is a pain to store in the car because of it's weird shape. Does reach down to the front corners of the windshield. I bet it is less than $20 at any auto parts store (except Griot's).
Hey, great referral. You're right; it's a tad expensive, but it gave me an idea to try and use a small squeegie? with an extension handle. Happy Motoring! Tom
I found that the squeegie was too thick and wouldn't reach all the way to the hard part down at the bottom.
There are a number of window cleaners with handles and swivel heads that are sold on TV. These can be found at retail outlets as well. They work great-- get int all the corners and deepset areas. Cost about $10 -- use mine all the time.