I have been keeping up with the threads on the volt/gm in here and thought it would be interesting to do a poll. Just vote no need to explain or debate in here.
You are missing one option on your poll: I like GM, but I think the Volt is not all it was purported to be... I have owned GM vehicles and they are good cars/trucks. The Volt, however, is way over priced and I don't think it's going to live up to the hype...
I can't vote since your choices are too restrictive. I am very disappointed in GMs assortment of cars, but I don't hate GM. I grew up in a family that always bought GM vehicles and owned some myself with very good experiences. For the last 30 years I have been driving the superior Japanese cars. The Volt is a poorly thought out vehicle and is likely to be a complete failure in the market. It does not compare favorably with my 2004 Prius as a primary family vehicle and pales in comparison to the Nissan Leaf as a short trip vehicle (second car market).
Hmmm answer 4 is such a low bar you can also hold answers 5 and 6 whiles still believing 4 I guess I think 3 I like the direction GM is going - bankruptcy. I suspect I am biased by driving GM products before.
i'm ok with gm.. and i think the volt is a joke. as it's been said, the prius kills it on long distance (as does many other cars) and the volt kills it in city (from what i've read, it's more efficient.) plus... many people in this area could use a leaf... most can't afford a volt.. so they buy a prius. honestly... a LOT of people i know can't even afford a prius. the volt should have been a cadillac. the refinement of the low end power is on par to that badge, so is the price.
they failed at making a prius. the gearset is backwards.. there are clutches.. it only seats 5.. and it gets low 30's mpg long distance... i could stay around 90mph in my prius and get higher mpg... btw.. i picked 5 too. (since i didn't state earlier)
keep the voting going Please everyone just vote!!! No discussion needed. Use the power of your vote to express yourself
It is too soon to say whether or not GM has changed. Lutz is gone as of May 2010 and as his minions wander off or get a clue, we'll see. He and his enablers had a decade to drive GM into the ditch. High efficiency cars are still a new and emerging market, less than 3% of all vehicles sold. This next year we'll see a wider market with more approaches than today. The question is will it expand to 5% or more of the car market. It is too soon to say 'this one works' or 'that one is a dog.' We do know the GM BAS(tard) hybrids have left the market although other vendors may try the same nonsense. We'll see. So I'm approaching the Volt future with an open mind but not a fist full of cash. Let the GM pioneers go forward with the Volt. They have carried the water for a long time, a little longer is no big deal. Bob Wilson
LOL if you can't pick one thats closest to your views don't vote then. Just like me in the Elections we have, It's either R or a D. I don't vote and never will vote untill there is a completly new party.
Sadly, someone (you) picked very limited choices, most of which imply GM will actually mass produce a Volt. Those of us who see it as a bait and switch advertising campaign with very limited production will have views that are not included in the poll. So we do not get two sets of choices R or D, we get one set, adamace1. Not having any viable choices to vote on, I was pointing out how limited I found them. I was not aware you bought the site from Danny and now set the rules. I have no idea if NC allows only R and D, but I am used to having a third party in almost every election. (In addition, Nevada, where I moved from, allows a 'None of These Canidates' vote. [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_of_These_Candidates[/ame]
I don't like GM much and don't have much confidence in them. Howie Long's commercials ran for months - 'may the best car (GM?) win' Immediately, I saw they were claiming the Equinox gets 32 MPG highway. How is that possible? The Rav4 and CR-V 4 cyl claim no more than about 28 MPG. Common sense dictates the Equinox highway MPG is inflated and many have claimed they don't get it either. Read edmunds.com user reviews on the 'Nox. You will find maybe 10% are having mechanical problems on their new 'Nox's (2010's). GM seems off base. Stuck in the past also. Their idea of a hatchback is an HHR, patterned after a 1940's Suburban. Wow. So, don't like them much, but I must say that new Camaro is hot.
i've had 3 or 4 gm's over the years. they're okay, they're good cars. but they don't stand out. once we tried a camry, we never looked back. if you want to support union mediocrity in detroit, at your own expense, more power to you. p.s., i voted.
I really like that GM/Ford/Chrysler CEOs make 1,000 times as much as their union workers. But seriously, I want to buy American, but I'll settle for reliable American made Hondas and Toyotas until there is REAL change at one of the Big 3. As for my Prius? I couldn't resist 50mpg. We pay trillions for conflicts in the middle east, so I guess that's my excuse (that and saving $1,000/yr in gas!).
Well up to a bankruptacy UAW workers made around 65$ an hour total package pay. so thats 2,600 a week and 135,200 a year(again Total package not take home pay) so your saying the ceo's had a total package pay of $135,200,000????? I think you may have inflated that number. But now with the reduced wages for new workers it's no better and your 1,000 times more may be true. The new Ford fiesta plant in mexico pays around $4 an hour so thats around $8,000 a year, so your right now the ford CEO's do make 1,000's of times more than it's workers. I guess what i'm trying to say is the union kept things fair between ceo's and the workers up to the bankruptacy for the last 60 years or so. Good for them, bad for the new guys post banruptacy, and now bad for Toyota, as the big three lower their wages below what Toyota pays.
Yea your right. But i'm sure but it's a big waste of time for me to vote "none of these canidates" or vote for the green party. Also i was looking for view on how people feel about the volt right now. I didn't say anything about it being mass produced. Your free to say what you think in here as i don't own or have any power in this forum. I was just trying to get votes in here not another volt bashing, Volt sucks, Volt in nothing like the prius threads we already have a bunch of those. Have a great day.
You don't do the free market any favors by buying a car that you want less simply because of where it was manufactured. That is unless the workers are being severely maltreated. Note your CEO item is really misleading unless you are talking about foreign plants. The Toyota CEO makes 1000 times more than many of his workers if those are included. GM has a better balance sheet post bankruptcy which will allow it to unfairly compete against some of its other rivals. The problem is it doesn't appear to have the management to take advantage of this. Toyota is in the process of moving production from a UAW plant in california to lower paying lower benefits plants in texas and Mississippi. These are still good jobs, but the black lining is toyota is moving some prius production to much lower wage Thailand instead of that Mississippi. These are all huge multinationals and they all play the same game.
The Volt is an interesting vehicle, but more complex that it would appear necessary, and more expensive than its purported market can afford. Despite the Volt's mechanical/electrical architecture looking very similar to that of the Prius and Ford Fusion Hybrid, GM says it is a special kind of EV, one whose range is extended with an onboard ICE/generator. The idea of not being strictly limited to the EV range every day is attractive. Who knows what the EV range really is as it is strongly affected by air temps, geography, top speed, heating and A/C use, etc. Any particular buyer/driver's typical range can't be determined until they actually drive the car. This concern about EV range is widespread, and understandable. (I am looking at this from the perspective as a potential buyer not in the Pacific rim states where public recharge stations will be implemented in the near term. Here on the Atlantic rim, wide distribution of public recharging stations appears to be a long, long ways off.) Virtually the same EV range, and better ICE FE can be achieved with a used Gen II Prius, ~$14K, and the Hymotion battery pack -- the most expensive but apparently most robust and trouble free such unit -- ~$11k, for ~$25K. It appears that the Volt will go for ~$41K with a $7,500 federal tax incentive (if you qualify for all of it) and perhaps some state incentives, maybe up to $2K. Rounding off, at best the Volt will cost ~ $31K. The $6K difference will buy a lot of gas/eletricity. IMHO, initially, the Volt concept was a good idea. Unfortunately, the real-world implementation leaves much to be desired. I wish GM the best of luck, but I think they blew a very good opportunity to be a true leader in innovation in the US domestic market. Fortunately for them, profits from their Asian sales may sustain them into an uncertain future, and maybe get the VOLT right as a re-engineered Gen II... A reVOLT, as it were.
Hi All, There is a problem with the poll. The second selection implies the Volt technology is the direction that GM is taking the company. Which is not true at all. Toyota on the other hand is working to the eventuality, which most of its cars are available as traditional and HSD. GM just does not have this vision, and its half the reason the Volt has been costed as a one-car-and-done developement project, rather than a new vehicle line technology.