I can't hold back any longer. After getting razzed by certain business associates and more than a few friends after I got my Prius I'm pleased to report that I've had more compliments on this car from the opposite sex than any other car I've ever owned (and this grandfather has owned a lot of cars). In fact, one episode I experienced recently (when a Chevy Tahoe slowed down to my speed for a few minutes) while passing me on the Florida Turnpike will be in my memory forever. Smile. And frankly (after almost a year of ownership), I have had more questions about how "do you like that car" and “Nice car†by more people than I could have ever imagined. I'm not sure, but I think a lot more people connect with this awesome "work of art" than most people imagine. So far, at least in my experience, there has never been even one experience of "Prius hate" or road rage stuff. Just good vibes. I love this car. And lastly, I also want a Chevy Volt for my other car. OK, that's all I wanted to say to my fellow Prius people.
Okay, so you going to leave us in suspense here? I want to hear the story about the Tahoe on the Turnpike! And are these chicks of the grandma persuasions or are we talking young hotties? :eyebrows:
Interesting thread. I don't know if I would call it a "chick magnet", BUT, I had a recent encounter of my own.... A few weeks ago I was filling up and this 40-something soccer mom was looking over in my direction. I'm beyond middle age, so she looked pretty attractive to me. Had that Sara Palin or Christine O'Donnell look going on. In any event, she kept looking over in my direction, and foolishly, I thought she was interested in me. But then she finally came over and said she really liked the way the Prius looked, and proceeded to ask me how I liked it, blah, blah. Damn, and I thought she wanted my body? :rockon: I feel so used.
Paul...LOL. You asked, so I feel compelled to answer. They appeared to be at least four cute "20 somethings". After they passed I noticed two (temporary) signs on the back that said "Hot to Trot". I think this will help you figure out what occurred. But, I still wonder about the need for them to post those hot to trot signs. After all, their, actions kind of said it all. Michaelvicdog...I can relate!...LMAO
Spiderman...just another reason for you to leave AK and come to FL for a vacation! Get this - When I told my daughters about this experience, my middle daughter said "they must have been thinking..let's freak out this Prius nerd"...LOL
Guy's don't think Guy's with babies are cool... Chicks love Guy's with babies...Used to make excuses to leave the house alone with mine just so I could have "the moment". I think it's similar to the Prius. Chick sees middle aged guy in Corvette and she thinks "he's compensating". Chick sees middle aged guy in Prius and she thinks "must be a stud".
This is a funny thread! I think there's some truth to it though. Women also like men who wear pink shirts--try wearing one while you're driving a Prius! I think Prius owners are always checking out other Prius owners. I usually just see women in their 40s and 50s driving them (at least where I live). It's an exciting event to see a man driving one! What goes through my mind is "wow, cool! A confident man who didn't have a ridiculous mid-life crisis! Imagine that!"
RE: "wow, cool! A confident man who didn't have a ridiculous mid-life crisis! Imagine that!" Blizz, maybe it's a confident man who finally got over his mid life crisis and is back to reality!
BTW I just got stared down by a dude in a red Prius going opposite directions on an expressway at 50 mph. WTH, I didnt want to be noticed by dudes in this thing!
Re: "WTH, I didnt want to be noticed by dudes in this thing!" Every chick I've ever seen driving a Prius is cute as heck. This includes everything from the “20 somethings” to grandmothers. Can you blame him?...he was probably looking for a chick and may have been disappointed when he saw you…..then again, maybe he was gay and thought you were cute….