This is happening a lot more than ten or so years ago. I can kind of understand during rush hour that swerving to get out of a gridlocked lane, but drivers do it in the open. When traffic is light, why not gently change lanes? It's less wear-and-tear on the car, might avoid a collision....frankly, swerving when it's not needed telegraphs me the driver probably needs therapy. It's worse than a birdie since it's also less safe driving. Why?
why do people make left hand turns from the right side of the lane and right turns from the left side of the lane? By hogging the whole lane they prevent those following from maintaining a steady speed by easily passing.
I think they're just practicing for the heavy-traffic lane changes they'll need to do later. After all, when it's bumper to bumper traffic, you can't afford to over-swerve when changing lanes
I've been a passenger with people (1 is a very close friend) who drive like that. I tell them they're morons for putting everybody including themselves in harms way for no reason. The excuse I get is that they dont want to slow down because someone is front of them. So I say, well if you would pick a speed and stay there instead of ALWAYS accelerating to the car ahead of you wouldnt have to slow down for every car in front of you. The object of driving a car is NOT to catch the car in front of you! Ive decided that these folks just dont like it when somebody is in front of them and as far as they are concerned anybody who enters their lane is a schmuck. Bottom line is unless your behind them your a nuisance and an obstacle to get around. go figure...
I think it's a psychological phenomenon. Some people may unknowingly feel unsatisfactory/inadequate with their own physical existance (whether it's about their own body or just the hard reality and stress of life), so whenever they sit behind a steering wheel they subconciously transferred the power of the car engine into their psyche. That is the only time they could feel having power over other people unanimously hiding behind dark tinted window glasses. Literally these people turned into monsters like the angry Hulk, except they're no heros. I think the governments should include a psychological accessment and mandatory psychiatrist session/training for those not passing the asscesment in the new drivers' tests. Yeah, yeah I know, that will make more angry people even angrier.
They are showing off the handling capability of their expensive cars and having fun feeling the lateral G forces.
Ok, I admit, once I swerved to pass a car who cut me off and then kept at a speed of 50 km/h while the speed limit was 60 and everybody was driving at 70. Problem is, I was stuck behind him for a long time while everybody was swerving to the slow lane to pass. I'm afraid initially they thought that I was the slow driver, being in a Prius. I got so angry I wanted to swerve back to the front of his car and stomp on the brake; I wanted to stop and get down back there and swing his door open and grap him by his collar and give him a proper lesson; I wanted to scream at him to tell him never to drive again; I wanted to... Ok, ok, can't a guy blow off some steam in his imagination?