hello, i'll b changing my car by june 2011. definitely goin 4 prius. Question 2010 or 2004? here in Mauritus, we can afford recon cars from Japan approx 4 yrs (approx half the price of new) is 2010 prius less tough, eg. read that suspension material have becom lighter, are they tougher... Possibly i'll use the car for about 10 years. kindly advise n... thanks
Your question is all over the map as to what you are asking. Most of us here tend to think that the Prius is a great vehicle, both in the previous generation (2nd Gen:2004-2009) or the (Third Gen: 2010-??). Any of them would be a great reliable choice for transportation. As for reconditioned cars, from Japan or elsewhere, I could not begin to speak on this, as I am not aware of any 'mass effort' to recondition cars and resell them used anywhere. I would try to ensure that as much of the car is original as possible, or who know what you will get.
Agreed. In the past, I've heard of heard of it being quite common to export JDM cars to other countries where they also drive on the left side of the road. I've heard there is virtually no market for used cars in Japan. I happened to stumble across [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_used_vehicle_exporting]Japanese used vehicle exporting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] while trying to find an article I thought I read on this, long ago.
Thanks for your comments. in fact I was waiting for more comments to reply back... anyway thanks Well, the quality of Jap used cars is ok, it's not a problem. The thing i want a feedback about is: talking hybrid/prius, emphasis has been made on FC. what about the toughness of the new engine, the suspension and other parts. Things like beltless engine are said to improve FC. as I said, what about its lifetime. is prius 2010 a vehicle where you can use, maintain, repair, use or is it some kind of product which is worth just for its lifetime (by the way, what is a 2010 expected lifetime) as i mentionned i intend to use a vehicle from 3yrs till 10 yrs. kindly advise on the above nthanks