Said he did not have a gun....LAME EXCUSE!
In 1974 I was hiking in the Olympic National Park when a Sierra Club tour group came to me because they had a horse slide off the trail and break both front legs. (Only time in my life I used my high school German) I had an ax and it took 5 swings to kill the horse. I did not decapitate the horse, just severed it's spine. Still one of the low points in my life. (Note that I was about 14 miles from a road, or a Park Ranger) Cool Trails: Dosewallips River, Olympic National Park, Washington Why you would need to do any of that in a town with an animal control officer is beyond me.
That's it!!! I just don't understand cruelty to animals...what has anyone of them done to deserve abuse?
It seems pretty clear that this guy in NM wanted to torture the poor dog. He could have taken the dog to the pound - a number of things.
Good lord, there is just so many disturbing things in that story. Children were present... allegedly did not see the event, but were 'ushered' inside (so obviously they knew what was going on). No wonder they are having nightmares. He tried to use a knife first but when that failed, he got out the chainsaw. This happened at a party/picnic/barbecue and not one other adult present had a better idea. The lawyer says: "evidence will show Bowen is innocent." No way in hell. I hope that in prison he gets a taste of being a helpless animal at the hands of cruel humans. Again and again and again and again. Beyond sickening.
what a shame....he's no better than the muslim extremists who were cutting off people's heads a few years ago. he should be locked up, and it doesn't matter if it was a dog or a human. the act was the act.
I would not tolerate that retribution from anyone who has any possible chance of release or parole, as it would just perpetuate the chain of cruelty.
Violence toward animals is statistically associated with violence toward human beings. "False imprisonment" in his rap sheet suggests it fits.
And yet we routinely drop bombs on children and justify it as "unavoidable collateral damage." What this guy did is inexcusable. But we, as a nation, are no better. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
This guy performed a sick cruel act on an animal. He deserves to rot in prison. IMHO there should be stricter laws on animal abuse. I have a pit bull and she is just a big lap dog. Search "pit bull nanny" on the internet. Two of the Michael Vick pits have been trained to be therapy dogs. The qualification to be a therapy dog is very strict. Watch this short enlightening video Thank you
Then you better skip prison entirely for this guy and eliminate it for pedophiles while you're at it too. 'That retribution' is pretty much a guarantee for those guys, and we certainly don't want those guys to 'perpetuate the chain of cruelty' any more than they already have. </sarcasm>
"Authorities say the men killed the dog after it bit a 9-year-old girl during a September barbecue at Sexton's home." Pit Bulls are the problem.IMO The owner should have had it properly euthanized. The dog owner should be sued for owning a dangerous animal which attacked the child.
No, pit bull OWNERS are the problem. Too many of them are looking for an aggressive dog, get a pit bull, and train it to be aggressive. Most of the larger dog breeds have gone through this, from German Shepherds, to Great Danes, to .. um, brain just left me sitting with no idea of the breeds that used to be blamed for injuries. When I was in jr. high, it was those dogs that they would cut the ears and tails on. Yeah, it's not coming to me.... anyway, back to the topic... it is the dog owners. You know, aggressive dog owners that take chain saws to problems. Sheeeesh.
Thank you Rae. Rottweilers also. This is from an educational article about the history of the pit bull terrier " During the first half of the 20th century, the American Pit Bull Terrier was the closest thing the United States had to a national dog. Pit bulls were the dog of choice for famous personages such as Helen Keller, Laura Ingalls Wilder (of Little House on the Prairie fame), and President Theodore Roosevelt. Meanwhile, pit bulls were chosen as mascots by the Buster Brown shoe company and by the United States itself, which featured pit bulls on American propaganda posters for each of the first two world wars. Fittingly, the first dog decorated with medals by the armed forces was one Sgt. Stubby. In the first world war, Sgt. Stubby not only survived being twice wounded in combat, but captured a German spy and saved his entire platoon from a poison gas attack." Complete article About the Pit Bull: Origins and History | PitBulls They were called the "nanny dog" because they were so good with children. Google "pit bull nanny" Thank you This is a short entertaining video with good music
Not sure how a jury could come up with this decision. I think the problem with these types of cases is that there are people that think animals have no soul, and it doesn't really matter what happens to them. After all, "they are just animals. Not like he cut a humans head off with a chain saw!". It only takes one of them on a jury. Because of this, many cases go unprosecuted. It has been a while since I read this article, and I am not going to read it again. I do remember thinking these two were nothing but worthless pieces of shit, contributing nothing to society but a bunch of problems. We have not heard the end of the story with this guy. Lets hope nobody innocent gets hurt or killed by this guy.
It's not just pit bull owners. I saw an episode of one of the ASPCA shows on the Animal Planet...where they rescued a young Dachshund that had blunt trauma to both eyes. It wound up losing one eye, but still remained very friendly to everyone at the shelter. It's owner was hitting it in the face with a hammer because it wasn't a "good guard dog" A small little Dachsund???? Someone that stupid shouldn't be allowed to have a pet or a child for that matter.
I don't mind the prison system taking on one more ... or a thousand more like this person, nor people to do worse things. But ... there are MANY who don't want our tax dollars spent. Another $35,000 here ... another $35,000 there . . . . each and every one of 'em. Nope. There's a LOT less expensive way to meet out 'justice'.
They convicted the first guy, apparently this guy assisted, but didn't kill the animal himself (4th degree animal cruelty, whatever seriousness 4th level is).