I took off my license plate frame on the front bumper because I thought it looked tacky and I hate advertising for "Sunnyvale Toyota 1800 TOYOTA-9"!! The problem is without the frame you can still see the sides of the mounting bracket (the mounting bracket is slightly wider than the frame itself -- I'm guessing so that it's flush with a frame). Also, the license plate just hangs solo about halfway down where the mounting bracket ends. Is this an unusual look? Does it weaken the strength of the plate if I drive at freeway speeds? I know many people take off their frames for their back license plate, but how about the front? Thanks.
I just hate the whole mounting bracket, too chunky and ruins the car's lines. But mine's naked on the bracket - I agree about dealer frames. I keep looking at the grill area and thinking about moving the plate down there somehow. - D
I have a polycarbonate cover on the front, it supports the license plate and makes it easier to clean off bugs. Technically, it is supposed to be offroad use only, but I haven't been hassled about it because it is clear (not tinted like some) and the plate is easily readable.
Just get a nice frame that you like without the dealer stuff on it. IMO, the license plate itself looks better with a frame around it (just not the dealer's advertising frame).
Buy 2 plain black ones on ebay. $5 plastic. Paint or leave black. Finishes the licence plate off and keeps you from snaging it on your car wash day. Plate covers come with the bolt covers makes a smooth look. The dealer didn't do you any favor by selling you a car, why advertize for free for them.
I like the plain black plastic frames too. But they do tend to crack if used for the front plates because the frame is larger than the plate holder that's screwed into the bumper.
I haven't had any of mine crack except if I run into something. Then it's another $5. 05,06,2-07,08 prii. Larger? Mine fit like they were built for the car.
Pic below shows what I meant by the frame being larger than the holder -- the height of the frame is about 1 to 2 inches longer than the height of the holder: So if you bump the bottom part of the plastic frame (which is not supported/backed by the holder), the frame could crack. I subsequently ended up getting a black metal frame. But I like the plastic frame more, so I'll probably go back to it and replace it when needed.
I see. Mine arent as thick and they do go to the r/l edge. I haven't cracked mine and I like the rubber bumper on the front (one of my kids cracked theirs twice, I know why omg). I wasnt interested in spending alot for metal or anything fancy. Just get the dealer logo off. I've had just the plate exposed and it caught my leg or shamie.
Like you, I hate driving around with advertising on my car so I removed the front frame. After doing that, I discovered that the plate tended to get bent upward in a commercial car wash. (I know, I know, you purists are going to leap in and tell me that I should never go to those places.) The Utah plates are pretty flimsy. I bought a generic, no message, frame and installed it. The frame adds stability to the plate and it no longer bends in the car wash. I doubt that the force of driving at freeway speeds will have any effect of the plate.