OK OK... If you get to ask a first question that is... What would be your second question??? If you got one that is...
Like, the answer to life, the universe, and everything? Assuming somebody knows? Is that what you mean?
Are you referring to asking a question to some magical allknowing being? If that's the case then its not worth speculating over the impossibility. However, if I was able to ask questions to a superior race from another time/dimension/plaetary system, they would mostly be technologically based.
Bob, Should this read: If you get to ask a first question, that is... What would be your second question??? If you got one, that is... This I can understand. Otherwise, :noidea: I am not trying to be a punctuation prick, just trying to understand your meaning. The second question: "Was that an honest answer? I really need to know."
Sorry Bra... Teh "That IS" part, was about folks that think they have a creator... and think that she will answer a question if you ask her one... some folks think she is a he...I look at women and know they are what god looks like. I thought it was a "gimmie" I was alluding to the "BIG" question... Why am I here??? I always thought there was a second question with most folks... only, with different folks you WILL get a bunch of different questions... What would be yours Bra...
why the hell did you* put me here for THAT?! *given the situation stated above, with the higher power thing assumed.
Ah, "What is the meaning of life?" Surprisingly, it has the exact same answer as these questions: "What is the flavor of air?" "What is the storyline of the latest Jackass movie?" "What is the greatest musical talent of Justin Beiber?" "What is the recipe of babyback ribs served at a PETA rally?" "What color is the typical Volt in the typical Chevy showroom?"
Ahh, I did not understand just how significant The Other was in this exercise. Presuming that you survived a one-on-one experience with the Godhead as a wholly integrated being -- the experience would be at once illuminating, humbling, mortifying, frustrating, terrifying -- and you truely understood the answer to Why am I here?, then you would have the key to a meaningful, though not necessarily pain free life. You could be at peace in This World. All that would remain is to be at peace with the Other World. My second question would then be... Will you grant me the priviledge of having a conversation with my ..............? (Insert here the name of the person who has passsed through that you most miss, or most need to speak to; your Dad, Mum, Aunt Silver Sky, Uncle Running Horse, Granny, etc.) If granted, you could then be able to make peace in the Other World and arguably live at One with the Godhead and it's whole creation.
No, I'm not nearly that pretentious..... Life is what you make it. No dress rehearsal, no second chances. Live it while you can.
All these cosmic questions. How about the following real questions my son asked me when he was in first grade (long ago): 1) Why are trees made out of wood? 2) How come air is clear and you cannot see it, but water is clear and you can see it? 3) What are shadows for?