I drive alot id like to protect the front. Should i get a bra or what is the deal with the invisible one. Not sure i like the look of the black bra on my pearl white. Suggetions, pics and prices appreciated! and where do i get them?
HEY THERE ASDOCKTOR !!! I can relate to you EXACTLY. I also drive alot and have the Blizzard Pearl Prius. I went a COMBINATION of the TWO ROUTES: 01. Colgan Custom Front Half Mask Colgan Custom (Online Company) Website: Colgan Custom Car Bra and Truck Bras 800.447.2727 Price: Less than $100 02. Clear Pro Clear Protective Film Clear Pro Automotive Protective Film (Southern California Mobile Installation Company) Website: Home 866.286.1012 Price: Call for details / Care information I had Lance from Clear Pro install the protection of the Full Front End, Both Headlamps, and Two Side Mirrors. **Google online for a Clear Protective Film company in your area** Here are pictures of both items. 01. COLGAN CUSTOM **I'm very happy with the fitment as it's real snug and doesn't flap in the wind. It is a high quality material they utilize. It must be removed prior to washing so that the moisture doesn't collect underneath. I have used Colgan Custom for all my vehicles and have had no problems. Please check the website for full details and care** 02. CLEAR PRO **Of course it is clear so it's hard to capture on film !!! I have used Clear Pro's Clear Automotive Protection Film on my dark colored Black Cherry Pearl Scion and now the Blizzard Pearl on the Prius with great results. Please check with your local installer for details and care on the clear protective film.** HOPE THIS HELPS !!! Happy PRIUS MODDING !!! Rodney
I had Clear Shield installed right after I took delivery of my car, installed by a local tint shop. They covered the hood up about 2 feet, bumper, fenders, piece between the hood and the bumper, mirrors, headlights, etc. Cost was $600, well worth it to me and it has saved me from quite a few chips and scratches. From a few feet away you can't even tell it's there. I wash it and wax it just like the rest of the car, you don't really need to wax it but it makes it easier to get the bugs off.
very cool guys, not sure i undrstand he black piece youhave onthe car, looks like it doesn't cover much, why not just have the clear cover instead of thatblack materal? I think I should just walk into a local auto custom shop, i have one in mind that has a few lambos and a ton of rims inside their shop, im sure they can do it. if i lived in CA id use your source. I used to see this kid that had 3M all over his car, advertising it, wish i would bump into him again. idont want to wait to long to do this. BTW, how about protectors for the side doors? Anything there? from ppl opening uptheir doors on ya? I've seen those side moldings or whatever thy are. Oh now i understand the importance of hub caps, rubbed my rim today only sratched the lip an took a chunk out of my tire, but im not going tohave a heart attack! but i migh have one if i go back to my car and their is a dent in my door. thanks.
if i had the money, i would definitely go with the clear mask. I had the car for 6 months now and i can already see rock chips on my bumper.
I had 3M Clearbra installed on my new vehicle. I don't know, to be honest I don't know if I would do it again. No real way to gauge what chips it has prevented...although I would guess some. But just a warning, I learned the shockingly hard way that Clear Bra can react very badly to Bird Droppings...and you want to be agressive about removal. Also, while "invisible enough"...pretty invisible...on mine there is a line on the hood...under most circumstances not very visible..but when you wax? You have to pay extra attention to the clear bra ridge...not a huge deal, but again something to be aware of... Again, I don't know. While I'm not going to remove my Clearbra, I kind of think I will not purchase in the future, opting instead to just deal with damage...even if it means repainting the hood every X number of years....
Cheaper toget the protectivefilm then paint hood. iwent to a shop, they tried telling me 1350, i told them idrve a prius not a lambo since they had a ferarri in the shop. i guess i dont listen, well. Will check into tint shops.
I went with the 3M invisible mask. There are two different coverage options for the hood, mine is partial. I ordered online and installed it all by my big girl self. Biggest factor is a clean work environment. Really wasn't that difficult. It took about an hour and a half after it was washed and scrubbed. http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...did-you-do-your-prius-today-car-001.jpg?stc=1
HEY ASDOCKTOR !!! Thanks for the kind words, I'm currently running the Five Axis S6:F wheels. I really enjoy these wheels and they will complete the look when I get the Five Axis kit for the Prius. As far as the clear bra and the Colgan Front Bra: It was expensive for me to have the whole hood clear bra'd. And I didnt want to do a half clear bra for the hood because when I wax the hood, it may collect at the half line. So that's why I just did the half mask. I can remove it when I want to wax the whole hood. Keep us posted on what you end up doing !!! Happy PRIUS Modding !!! Rodney
Wellim impressed! i wouldn'tconsider doing it myself, but your making me think. Are you handywoman inclined. because im not very handy. I put a little FSU decal to cover my gas tank door, and ihave bubbles inthat, lol. You did just the front end, what about headlights and side views?
how often do you wax your car, how often do you wash it. How often is necessary for both you think. SIlly questions but I really want to take car of this car. BTW hawaiin, waht do you keep your tire pressure at and how often do you check the pressure?
My old corolla had the clear bra on it and I had it for about 3 years now. If you can get someone to do it well you may consider it. I did not get it for my Prius though. My Prius has tiny chips but the clear bra looked beat to hell after 3 years. After a considerable time frame it will eventually look worn out and will need to be replaced. The idea of taking it off made me leery as if it is not done right it can take off the paint. At any rate there are pros and cons. At some point I may repaint the bumper but ifyou get the bra that will also have to be replaced anyway at some point. Like I said it does look beaten up after several years. The car will not look like showroom condition despite having the bra. Every car I've seen with it on for several years does show wear.
HEY THERE ASDOCKTOR !!! The frequency of waxing your car depends on how much exposure you have it in the elements (for example garaged vs. non-garaged, in the sun frequently, near the ocean, how often you wash it, and many other factors included.) Where I live and as particular as I am with my vehicles I wash my car weekly. And I clay bar, polish, and wax my car quarterly. Again this is because of where I live and my personal preferences. Every person and environment is unique. I also keep a Quick Detailer handy in the car should I be on the road and notice any industrial fallout, bird droppings, sap, or the like on the finish. This helps to address any of those issues quickly to prevent any damage to the finish. I also only use Microfiber cloths on the vehicle. Again this is my preference, and many other folks have their methods that have worked well for them for years. I respect that. As far as tire pressure is concerned it is inflated at the manufacturer's recommended psi as indicated on sidewall. I visually check the tires often and with the Toyota automatic sensors installed I trust they will alarm me if there are any fluctuations in psi. HOPE THIS HELPS !!! Rodney
intersting info guys. the auto sensors are equipped in the base II package? I don't see anyway to check on that. I bought a soft brissel brush, like the end of a broom, but made for cleaning, do you think that is bad to use on the car? I have one of those soft mits, I use a regular shammy to dry it.
recieved a price today for$650.00 installed not including he head lights not to bad. BTW iwas driving in miami today i get bumped from behind, i get so pissed, the guy is like "mira mira" i have no license,no damage take $100.00, so i look hes right I take the $100. Now im thinking maybe i should get some bumper guards or door guards, better yet can I buy like a bubble and put it around my car lol.