Who has tried the 'magic eraser' pad to clean the prius? It gets rid of bugs, tar, etc. With just a simple wipe.
Re: Magic eraser to clean off bugs, tar, road grime,etc. the magic eraser will get rid of the bug, tar and many other of your car stains. inside and outside of the car i use it all the time.
You are correct and it can and will dull the clearcoat. I have used the Magic Eraser on many things with success but I have seen it take the sheen out of Vinyl, plastics and other materials. Use with caution and in a small test area if you are set on using it. I wouldn't use it on a any car's clearcoat. Especially the clearcoat on the Prius which is not great at all. My friend owns an autobody shop and he said that the paint job on the Prius is the equivalent to a Macco job. The paint job has been one of the only sore points for me in terms of satisfaction. Try using Wd-40 on a soft microfiber rag and watch the results you get. Wd-40 wont harm your clearcoat.
Absolutely never use the Magic Eraser on the paint of the car. It is very abrasive, and has a bleach-like cleaner that will scratch the paint for sure. May as well use a brillo pad. Works great for rough vinyl and plastic, such as in a lot of interior applications...but not the paint.
I use them on my boat to remove spider droppings and hand print dirt. They work very well on this sort of painted surface, but the paint on the boat is going to wear off anyway and be repainted on a regular basis. I don't think you want to do that with the shiny paint on your car. Tom
Keep a good wax job on your car and use any detailer shine product. Usually cheap by the gallon. Spray it on, wipe off the bug. Works very well. No "sanding" with an eraser. What buck you save in something cheap will pay for later in a paint job.
Paint on a boat is a gel coat too, vs the paint on a car. I wouldn't be worried about using them on a boat for the very reasons you mention.
You assume too much. There isn't a bit of gel coat on our boat. Plastic is for bleach bottles. Real boats are made of wood. Tom