I have a little 2000 miles on my 2010 PV with Nav and after reading through all the threads about oil changes and other items. I thought the best deal would be to look at PC's discounted programs for both prepaid maintenance and warranty. But now I can even find it any longer. Does anyone know if it has been taken off the site? if not where is it and has any one purchase both for their 2010 yet? Any help would be appriciated.
Hi: Here is the link for both Extended Warranty and Pre-Paid Maintenance. The Toyota Rep's name is Troy. Toyota Extended Warranty Quote Request | WarrantyShack The price is excellent. I have heard that the warranty for Toyota USA is being 'updated' in August - additional plans, etc. As to whether or not this entails extra cost I am not sure. The best thing to do is fill out the form on the website the link sends you to and Troy will be in touch with you. All the best..... Edward Marystown, Newfoundland Canada
Thanks for the reply...just wondering if anyone has sign up for either of the programs for their 2010? And if they have purchance the prepaid Maintenance program, how did the 0-20w oil requirements been resolved at the your local Toyota dealer?
I'd love to know this, too. If they cover the 0-20w changes without a surcharge, it seems like a good deal.
THAT'S the real question. If the cost of a 5,000 mile service is going to be $80 - $90, then the prepaid plan may be much more enticing!
Hmm. Good point--although still, in my case--I paid $1k, dumb I suppose, but hadn't found PC yet --and when I later did the math, it made sense to cancel it. I was just happy today to receive the refund in the mail--I canceled a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say Toyota financial behaved honorably. No hard sell, no BS. I've just given up on looking for the coupons I know are buried in the dump that is my home office, and I'll re-post with conclusive info when/if I find them, but I recall seeing on the back of the coupons weasel words, such as 'some dealers may recommend additional services, which aren't covered." My inclination is to suspect that synthetic oil, while not specified per se due to it's actual syntheticness, may be considered an extra, despite the reality (for now anyway) that 0W-20 is only available as a synth. So that figured into my decision to cancel. Perhaps I should have made some more probing phone calls. As an aside, FWIW, I called a couple of dealers in the Baltimore area, asking them for their price for 5K maintenance. One of them quoted me $69, straight-up, no further explanation. The other gave me 3 levels--$81 for 'basic', $97 for "ultra"--included fuel additives and oil conditioner, whatever that is, and a $124 "Super Monster-Killer Boss-nice person Walletectomy" version that included an additional fuel cleaner. (I got a bunch of stammering when I asked 'Umm, don't all modern gasolines have detergent, which should suffice for these purposes?"). I think I will go to a dealer for the first few services, given the oil filter (and other) new features that I would hope the dealers' mechanics would be more familiar with, given the new model; here, in this area, at least one dealer looks (at first glance) to be more cost competetive; I'll check around some more. I've had a long-term relationship with a great independent outfit who serviced my 2 previous Acuras wonderfully for about 18 years, and I'd really like to patronize them as soon as possible. Anyhow, I know I have those coupons somewhere, and when I find them, I'll repost if there is any more specific wording. Sorry for the rambling post Peace, Tim
[FONT="]I have a few questions about the PC extended warranty.[/FONT] [FONT="]Is it with Toyota or another company?[/FONT] [FONT="]The site says they are not associated with Toyota.[/FONT] [FONT="]The quote tells you to make sure your dealer accepts “[/FONT][FONT="]Toyota Auto Care coupons”.[/FONT] [FONT="]All the links about the plan are at [FONT="]Toyota Financial Services[/FONT][/FONT] [FONT="]It this a Toyota warranty being sold my someone not a associated with Toyota?[/FONT] [FONT="]The mail address is “[/FONT][FONT="]Toyota of Greenfield’[/FONT] [FONT="]Is this the same plan my dealer offers.[/FONT]
]I have a few questions about the PC extended warranty.[/FONT] Is it with Toyota or another company?[/FONT] The site says they are not associated with Toyota.[/FONT] The quote tells you to make sure your dealer accepts Toyota Auto Care coupons†All the links about the plan are at ]Toyota Financial Services It this a Toyota warranty being sold my someone not a associated with Toyota?[/FONT] The mail address is Toyota of Greenfield Is this the same plan my dealer offers. The answer to your last question is really that is needed. And the answer is yes, according to several purchasers of the plan on the web site. The same paperwork and the same path at a Toyota dealership when someone needs to be repaired. I plan to buy one at the end of September for my Prius. Steve
I have a question. For the prepaid maintenance plan, it sounds like there are coupons that you use to get the service done. Do you need to pay any other out-of-pocket expense/fee that the coupon doesn't cover? Like sales tax for instance? As for extended warranty, I purchased a 75kmiles/7yr platinum plan from the dealer for $1295. But I cancelled it within the 30 or 60 days, because for $1055 you can get the 100k mile/7yr Pt plan from Troy. No brainer. The only downside is that the plan was financed instead of paid for, so the refund goes to the bank loan, not to me directly.
I have a 2010 Prius IV, with just shy of 5,000 miles. I am still considering buying the "Pre-Paid Maintainance" package, which I can do until I hit 6,000 miles. My question is: has anyone calculated the actual cost of all the routine maintainance recommended by Toyota, and compared it to the cost of the Pre-Paid packages ("Classic or Premium" Coverage). Thanks... Ira Warshaw West Palm Beach, FL
The 5k service consists of a tire rotation which only needs to be done at 7500 miles. The 10k service is an oil change. The first 2 years are free for both. Oil changes run 50-60 dollars.The inspection is free with the oil change. save your money. Eight times 60 is $480 for 100k miles of service. Tire rotations are $20 and after you buy a replacement set are free. The dealers are preying on the uninformed to make big profits on unnecessary parts and labor. You can buy a fram air filter [ca 10741] and change it yourself.