07 Prius Air Conditioner Randomly Quits.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by treyi, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. JoeTivo

    JoeTivo New Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Woodstock, IL
    2006 Prius
    I have a 2006 that randonly quits as well. Started a couple weeks ago and now quits about 5-10% of the time. I find that slamming the glove box doors or entry doors will sometimes cause it to kick on. h=Has anyone found a solution. I'm wary of my dealer and don't want to bring it in without having done my home work.

    Thanks to all,
  2. wrek

    wrek New Member

    May 21, 2010
    My AC has been going on and off intermittently for quite a while now. I reseated connectors and it seemed to resolve the issue for several months. Also, an occasional light rap on the left side of the display housing seemed to get the fan going again. It worked fine the other day but now, the fan does not work at all, not even on heat.

    The display reacts and I hear the relay click. I also hear the compressor charging.
    I was able to remove a panel under the glove box. It easily popped out. Under that panel, I found the blower motor and some connectors. I reseated the connectors, but no change.

    I also removed the center console plastic floor hump via the two plastic plugs. There are some modules there, which I assume one is for the A/C. I do not know how to access the actual fan, to see if there is any physical damage, or to troubleshoot it.

    My next step is to check the blower motor and wire harness. My gut tells me that by rapping on the console in the past, it may be a connector or communication issue, as a damaged component would not likely work intermittently, other than a damaged harness or connector.

    I am quite certain that the dealer doesn't have a clue about troubleshooting, as their computer system is based on the "replace expensive components at the customer's expense" method.

    I will update my progress.
  3. wrek

    wrek New Member

    May 21, 2010
    Please forgive me if the following post shows up several times. My internet has been bad today and priuschat has made me login several times. I am not seeing my post show up, so I will see if this one works.

    Follow up for A/C not working: Please read


    I decided to check the A/C filter, which is located behind the glove box. Once I removed the filter, I had access to the blower fan. I just cleaned the filter, hand spun the fan, and it immediately worked. Just be careful, as the sharp fan whacked my finger when it came on. ( I should have turned the car off!)

    Step 1.

    Open the lower glove box. Lift the black hanger off the right side of the box. Squeeze both sides of the box to loosen the hooks, and pull out the glove box.
    It will hang on the bottom hooks, so lift up and pull it completely off if you like.

    Note: There are also a ton of connectors on the passenger side above the glove box, (when removed) so check those too, if this does not work. There is also a plastic panel by the base of the door at the passenger side that just puls off. Connectors are there too.

    Step 2:
    There is a 1.5 inch by 8 inch white plastic panel behind the glove box opening, that contains the A/C fiilter. Pull it out and check the filter. (Note: The flat side of the filter faces down, toward the flat base of the housing) Mine was really dirty, so I just cleaned it well with a vacuum cleaner, rather than replacing it.

    Step 3:
    The blower fan is located under that panel, and can be seen when the filter is removed.

    Step 4:
    With the car off (Otherwise it may take a chunk off your finger like it did to me!)
    try to spin the blower fan.

    Step 5:
    Turn on your car and check the A/C. Mine works fine now.

    I had some teflon spray, so I sprayed the top of the fan where it spins, to try to lubricate it. Not sure if it will help or not, but I don't recommend using WD 40 as it will eat the plastic.

    So far, my A/C has worked great.
  4. wrek

    wrek New Member

    May 21, 2010

    Hi Joe,

    I have updated my post. I was able to resolve the issue so far, due to a sticky blower fan. I just rotated the fan with my finger and it immediately worked.