They do things like offer $1000 cash back "or" 0% financing. If you have your own financing or plan to pay cash, it's better to take the cash offer...
Well that just ruins my mood buying a prius asap lol. When I saw two local dealers offering 0% for 60 months...I just had this thought of I must buy a prius now lol. If this is the case then it's a good thing to learn about these types of things on the forums
so the norcal deals are a scam? this is straight from going to the toyota website typing in 94043 and selecting prius under october deals 2010 Prius 0% APR plus $1000 down payment match 0% APR PLUS $1000 down payment match i'm confused....
Those offers are valid...0% for 36 months...some dealers around have 0% for 60 months listed online and I called one dealer to verify. That's the debate right now
I'm going to try to stop by one of the dealerships offering this supposed 0% for 60 months deal...I'll post after
I got 0% for three years on the Prius I bought in May. I drove the Prius for almost a month without paying anything. I was told my credit rating is very, very good. I had to buy a car because the one I had been driving had been t-boned.