I guess the evironmental group 10:10 went over the line yesterday by placing a violent movie add on their site. The movie was removed and an appology given. Didn't see the clip but here is the jest: I figured Grumpy would have posted something but nothing yet. Anyway, what do you think about the ad? Do you think it was OK to depict violence to get their point across?
Yes a bit disgusting and over the top, but maybe some people require this to get the message. Too many are really not changing their ways. H
But this hard line stuff will only please and amuse the hardened environmentalist. Everyone else won't appreciate it and will dismiss it. I don't believe global warming is man made and have had the usual insults - being called a flat earther and the like. Thing is, if it is true, surely adverts like this 10:10 one will do much more harm than good. Nobody likes this rubbish. You don't like it if you get a pushy salesman or Mormon knocking at your door. They could have the best product or news in the world, but try and push it aggressively at you and you just won't want to know.
OMG!...the message can be delivered w/o the blood and guts! Graphic violence gets WAY too much air time in today's world. We become desensitized to the point that what is wrong is no longer considered to be so. The 10:10 movement may have a valid mission and justifiable goals, but this video makes them as guilty of abuse as those who waste precious resources.
Thanks for your honesty. Unfortunately this is also what I feared hearing. Using or even depicting violence to get your point across is never right IMHO.
Definately over the top, but sometimes when dealing with these people you sort of wish you had a red button or a way to ferry them off to another planet to screw up by themselves. Glad they removed the video, and I agree it does more harm than good "for the cause".
I wouldn't say this goes over the line (what line exactly?), but it sure think it's stupid. Juvenile, really. As an individual who believes that humans are responsible for contributing to climate change and doing as much as possible as I can to reduce my own footprint on this earth, I didn't find the commercial one bit helpful to making the point or driving the cause.
Rather disturbing video. But perhaps this thread should have been posted in FHOPol instead of the Environmental Discussion since it really doesn't have anything to do with science.
I do not agree with the ad. Regardless of the issue, the solution is never to blow up (kill) dissenters. This ad takes an idea, perhaps a movement, and turns it into a homicidal act and what?, expects the viewer to laugh it off because those people are the non-agreeing minority. I have seen what I believe to be heart-felt and even hard-hitting ads promoting action without such references to violence.
I have to agree with Tony, given the money, time, and effort it takes to make a video, why waste it on fulfilling a desire for vengeance. There are only about a million great stories of how someone made a positive difference for everyone. Yet every single one of these million examples was ignored for this.
The point wasn't "kill the non-believers", it was "do the right thing or suffer the consequences". If they had a cartoony Road Runner-type blowing up, it would have been much more effective. As is, the way the message is said completely drowns out the (rather good, imho) message.
This video is no worse than standard video game fare. Why the outrage and righteous indignation only now ?
I'll be consistent here. "Standard Video Game Fair" often means entertainment by violence.....not something I see as beneficial either.
I find this sort of message highly destructive. To borrow an illustration from another cause, this is worse than slamming one's own dick in the door. At least with the later, the other side merely points and laughs at the stupidity, without drawing additional energy to fight back. The opposition will take this as evidence that the ad's producers have run out of evidence and facts, have lost the rational debate, and must now resort to other means.
Well, alright, I can see how people would be upset. But, ultimately, what kind of message would be well-received and understood? What will it take to convince people of the urgent need to do something? Possible long term scenarios are dismissed as 'doom and gloom', climate change is thought of as a conspiracy, and cap and trade is seen as a government plot. Science itself is being undermined on many fronts, threatening to destroy what little progress humanity has made. Reductions of 10% are very modest and easily done, for many reasons other than reducing CO2. Yet many people still refuse to change. What kind of message would be effective?
Hyo, my personal take is that nothing is going to happen too quickly. The mostly likely cause of quick action will be economic.. ie things get expensive because of excess demand. However, as people start to notice ill effects around them (and this may be a frog in the pot of water situation) they'll start to get edgy. Especially given that there will be a rich visual documentation of what the world used to be like that people can see and compare to their current reality. Also, the younger kids now will probably be a bit ahead of our curve having grown up in a somewhat more aware culture. As technology brings down the cost of renewables and supply constraints push up the price of fossils, green will simply be the smart bidness choice. We're already starting to see this happen, but it will take more time to really reach the crossover point. In 2 decades, I think we'll be there. The disappearance of the north pole ice cap will probably freak a lot of people out. Food issues and the spectre of drought will help push people along too. However, for the population at large, there's going to have to be some pain involved, I fear. They simply don't care about these sorts of issues in the same way that you and I do.