Top marks for resurrecting one of the oldest threads on Prius Chat. I fear you'll go on to regret poking a stick in the hornets nest which is Freds House of Pancakes. Duck now and await some anti English posts.
While i dont have a fixed opinion on gun control, I will say that the proliferation of guns and gun violence amongst kids and teens is something that blows my mind (no pun intended). I'm young but nearly every adult in my life who's had something to say about it basically says the same thing: when they were young fighting taught you a lot about respect and a lot about yourself. they were non-leathal lessons where, wrong or right, you took your licks and moved on. Now, it seems like the lesson is "fight the wrong guy and BANG BANG".
This poll became obsolete after it was first posted. On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court used the McDonald v. Chicago case to 'incorporate' the Second Amendment. That settled the high level dispute at the normal legislative and court levels. While the allowed level of restrictions remains unresolved and will require many lawsuits to be settled out, a blanket ban of all guns, or even just handguns, is unconstitutional. One cannot ban private gun ownership any more than one can ban privately owned newspapers, Mormon or Catholic worship, or deny African-Americans or women the right to vote. A constitutional amendment still could create a power to ban guns, but adopting that amendment is politically impossible at this time. Just remember what Bill Clinton's lesser gun control laws did to the Democratic Party on Election Day 1994, with echoes in 2000. Clinton's gun control is one of the two reasons I am no longer a Democrat. From what I can see, the UK reduced crime first, then restricted and banned guns. The US gun controllers tried to do that in reverse order, and failed miserably.
Guns don't kill, people kill, so the only logical solution is to get rid of all the people, guns help to facilitate this solution. :rockon:
Good, I'll have your wife and daughters since you don't mind. And hand over your wallet as well. Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow so be ready with a full wallet. Ain't life easy when no one fights back! Crime rates in England and Wales 'worse than US' - Crime, UK - The Independent TFS Magnum: Crime in the UK versus Crime in the US #3: Gun Control Has Reduced The Crime Rates In Other Countries - Gun Owners Of America
i don't want to be like the UK. It's fine for the UK if they want to be that way, but I don't want to be like that. I want to defend myself from criminals. also i'd like to know where that statistic of 24x more likely comes from. today, a 68 year old grandma in chicago got tired of a couple of teenagers vandalizing her property by throwing bricks through her windows. so she shot one of them and it winged him. she will not be prosecuted.
Aye thar a Jimbo... This post was jus ta be a funnin us... a wont it Bra... Cause ahhhh... My TC Contender uses them thar bulletts and all... in ahhh sevral caliburs an all too... :laser::laser::laser::laser::laser::laser::laser: And what about my AR with 9mm, .45acp, and other stuffs man... eep:
We don't need gun control, we need bullet control: [ame=]YouTube - Chris Rock on Gun Control[/ame]
Awww man you got a AR in 9mm, I'm envious! I was out shooting my 357 SIG the other day and I Chrono'd some Speer GoldDot 125 grain Lawman's at 1470 fps out of a Glock 35 with a 5 3/8" KKM SIG barrel! That's smoking considering the 9mm usually only pushes them at around 1100-1200 with a '+' load and they both shoot the same bullet for all practical purposes. So in a "bug out" situation grab the pistol off the nightstand and the SBR rifle out of the safe along with several boxes of the same ammo, easy peasy. One bullet to buy for them, One bullet to load for them, One bullet to bind them! Sure makes packing the "Go Bag" simple eh? I'd love to see a AR in 357 SIG! I wonder if you could just ream a 9mm AR chamber? An MP9 chambered reamed for a 357 SIG = you owe me one keyboard cause I just drooled all over it! LoL!
Wow, that would be great. Each stored .22 cal brick becomes a multimillion dollar retirement fund. I'll be fabulously wealthy. Can you imagine the profits to smugglers? Multimillion dollar loads of smuggled cocaine will be hollowed out to conceal multibillion dollar loads of ammo. Until the underground counterfeit industry gets going. Bullets are the easiest part of the ammunition to make or cast in your own garage. Full power blank ammunition -- shell casing, primer, powder charge, capped with a paper wad instead of a bullet -- would still be legally available, and no more expensive than regular ammo. A lot of folks would surreptitiously convert blanks to full ammo, without even needing a full reloading press and outfit. If they can't find enough lead to melt down and cast into good bullets, they'll get some steel bar stock to cut to length with a hacksaw. Not good for target competition, but plenty adequate for short range defense. Or criminal use. BTW, the Supreme Court foresaw this argument in 1939: '"'The possession of arms also implied the possession of ammunition,'...". US v Miller.
:rockon::rockon::rockon: I believe that is true Bra... Wait a minute... I've had three tequilas... Of course it's true...
In answer to a few points raised earlier, and no doubt adding fuel to the fire This shows homicide rates by use of guns. [ame=]Gun violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] This URL link gun crime shows some figures for my home city of Nottingham. Nottingham has a population of about 700000 and I think the last fatality by gunfire was in 2006. There is a lot of unruly behaviour due to alcohol..We have a large healthy University population , cheap booze and over 350 pubs and bars. Its intersting that switzerland has so many guns and relatively so little gun crime. Like someones already said, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Incidentally, I used to have my own 0.357 magnum and I used to shoot a few times a week. That was stopped when some nutcase killed 16 school kids and a teacher at Dunblane. The last gun homicide figures I can get hold of is for 2006-7 is 59.
No problem with private gun ownership as long as they are kept out of the hands of the insane. How do you finger the crazy before they snap? Just ban guns from anyone that's on a forum.
I don't understand why so many people are more concerned about the means by which a homicide is committed, than by the homicide itself, regardless of means.