Anyone over 18 can cosign as far as I know. But you are riding on their credit, so it has to be good. Basically, the coborrower has to be able to be financed for the loan as if it was for them. So if whoever you get has bad credit or even good credit but up to their eyeballs in debt (high debt to income ratio) then they would be denied and so would you. Credit cards means diddly. I have had my CC for 4 years now, paid off in full every month. My credit score is high, nearing the 800's. However, I had no credit history since I just havent had a loan or anything. It is screwy in that you need to have a history of good credit to be lent credit, chicken and egg thing. Now I have a loan I pay off every month, and I am actually paying 2-4 times the monthly rate and I should be done with it by this time next year. I could pay it off now, but then I wouldnt really gain any credit history. If your dad wont be approved, then maybe you have a current good friend that will. But remember that money ruins friendships, and you are putting their credit at risk too. If you dont pay, they are legally required to pay, and if not then it is the same as if they didnt... No close relatives that have good credit?
I do, my Grandma Kinser. She has awesome credit, and just retired from being a school teacher for 38 years, but I don't want to ask her for something like that...My dad doesn't have debt, well like, he does, and the only debt is to the hospital that performed the surgery. That's what made his credit go from 700+ to 500 something. He makes $750 to $800 a week (I see his paychecks ) and he's worked there for 4 years. The only bill he has to pay is his truck insurance, payment, and a cell phone bill. Insurance is $90 a month, truck will be payed off in January, and cell phone bill is about $210. So we have more than enough money to pay for it, it's just getting the loan.
debt is debt. If your dad owes $200k to the hospital or $200k to the hotdog stand guy down the street, it counts the same. And if it is still an outstanding debt, then you can pretty much forget asking him. Since your options are limited I would echo what was stated earlier. Buy a hooptie for a few months and save for a Prius. Get a $400 beater of a car that gets you to school and back. Education trumps eco-style driving. If it makes you feel better make a cardboard body kit that makes it look like a Prius
Easy for you to say Mr.Prius Driver. Haha. I wish it were that easy. See, if you buy something like that, more tha likely, it will have problems, one's that i'd have to pay for and fix. Then on top of that, the money for that car, and possible repairs will most likely add up, and then I could have bought a Prius with the money.
Buy an 80's japanese import, like a corolla or a civic. It may need work, but you can put it off for a year. The tax/registration will be like $20, and if it needs work, then sell it to the scrapyard for $150 to $200 and buy another crappy car until the Prius savings come.
Well, I'm still awake because I don't have school till spring. That's when I start going to Southern Community College, and maybe. I don't know though, I just can't imagine driving anything else, especially with all the Hybrid-fest's and the Green Drive Expo's and the Hybrid meet-up's. I'd just feel left out of all that. I don't think you understand, Prius is my life, I want to work with Toyota lol. Ask me anything about a Prius and I'll tell you. Go ahead, ask haha.
Alright, I found an awesome site that will import Japanese cars from Japan, that means my life long dream can come true! Seeing the Prius NHW-10! (the 1998-2000) and their are some in my price range. Question is, is it legal to drive with a right hand car here?
It will almost be impossible to get it imported and certified for road use unfortunately. The US laws pretty much prevent it. You can get them here at great cost, but the DMV will refuse to register it until you get it through import which will almost certainly deny it. However, the way around this is to know one of the inspectors or know of one that you can persuade/bribe to sign off. It will most likely have to be done in California in person, over a length of time. There are people that do this for a living, and charge out the whazoo for it. I looked into it deeply when searching for a new car, because most of the cars I want aren't for sale in the US. >.<
I understand. Since I don't know much about shipping, I thought I could find a place to ship it at a cheaper-than-most price. I planned on maybe paying $1,500 for a 98' Prius, and $2,000 for shipping. Sadly, I don't see why they would deny it. To tell you the truth, it's West Virginia. They most likely wouldn't care, and just certify and insure it without question. We have inspection, but I don't see why we would have to change the bumpers or glass, and if we had too, my best friends dad has a body shop by my house called DJ's Body Shop, and is professional, I could take it to him and have him change what needs to be replaced for a CHEAP price.
Yea, You (That Prius Car guy) are the one who posted his "buyers remorse" You had a Red GenIII, sold it or traded it for a GenII, now what happened?
Well, had a boyfriend in Illinois. My dad was paying for the car, but when I left, the car was in his name, so he wouldn't let me take the car. So I figured that I have my whole life ahead of me to get one, and I don't need his money, so...yeah.
It's more than bumpers and glass. The headlights need to be converted to US spec. The bumpers need to be upgraded for the 5mph test. The engine will need to be characterized and/or replaced to meet the minimum 0-100kph acceleration times. You will probably have to convert it from RHD to LHD since in the states we drive on the wrong side of the road. There is a huge list of other things too, it adds up quick and in some cases is just not doable. The inspection I am referring to is not registration inspection (which if your state does that, then you will have to do that additionally). It is a federal customs inspection where they make sure the car applies to US safety standards. There really isnt a way around this one. If they approve, then they will grant you a VIN# to use for registration. Keep in mind most insurance companies dont want this hassle either. And it is not free. All inspection costs and upgrade costs are 100% your cost. Expect this phase to be $1000USD if all goes well. I would estimate x3 to x5 that though since I doubt the first Prius measures up to federal regulations now... But the shady way is to import it and register it as a kit car. Kit cars are inspected by local people, and usually those that just dont care. So that is how you get an import to be driven here. But this is where you will need some negotiating prowess to convince the inspector to let an obviously illegal machine pass his inspection. This puts his/her job on the line if you get in a major accident and the car is found to be the cause. Then the logical question is why was that car on the road. You see where this is going...