Ugh! I am so mad. My luck never get's better. Ever. I just realized that if I had never wrecked the green 2001 Prius I had, I would have a car right now. A great car. Now i'm looking at salvaged Prius' and have to wait to get a job in February when I could start now. On top of that, I have to attend classes at the Community College, which I can't get to because, I have no car. My dad works from 12p.m. to 4a.m. so I can't use his gas-hog Tundra. My grandma is getting too old to drive, and she doesn't feel comfortable with me driving her car because she's old fashioned like that. Whew, it just get's better and better. I called a buy-here-pay-here car lot that had a Gen.I for 3,900 dollars, it was black, had 99,000 miles, navigation, cruise, and a CD changer. He said we could pay him in payments, but he also said "Sir, could you hold on one moment, I want to make sure this car is still here." A few moments later..."Sir? Sorry, that car was sold yesterday." Yet again, just my luck. I look forward to getting a Gen.II off Steve Woodruff, because he said he'd help me out, but I feel bad because like he said, it's always better to have the money up front (and it is.) So I don't want to be a bother for him. Ugh, why me? Here are some pics of my Gen.I I had before it wrecked. If ANYONE has any idea's that might help, if you have a cheap, good running Prius for sale, private message me and perhaps we can work something out.
I feel for you brother. I have to ask, what else can you expect in "F-ing ham." You've been "F-ed" Hang in there. Your luck is bound to change. :rockon: Good luck is the residual of hard work. Ben Franklin
Is there public transit where you live, for going to school? Or, is there another student taking the same courses that you can carpool with? Is it too far to ride a bike? You are young. Delays are NOT the end of the world. Trust me on this
as much as we here like the prius, it's worth noting that there are other cars out there with decent mpg that you can get for the time being. hang in there.
As long as you want another Prius, I guess we'll let you stay in the club. That's a beautiful green. It's too bad the new ones don't come in that shade. Would an electric bike be an option for you? They're not super expensive, and they get *great* mileage. edit: Oh yeah, you're in illinois. Maybe not.
Actually not in Illinois anymore. I'm back in West Virginia. Ugh lol. And of course I want another Prius! Anything else would be horrid!
Logan, West Virginia, huh? Right next to Mount Gay. (Sorry, man, you'll soon learn you have to put up with a few jokes around here. We mean well, most of the time.)
Well hey, if you don't want people to know so much about you, don't give away so much information. Showing a less specific location is probably a good idea.
I thought you replaced that genI with a genIII? What did I miss?!?! Look on ebay. Here's an 01 for less than $1500: Toyota : Prius: eBay Motors (item 130434466877 end time Sep-24-10 16:48:55 PDT) I assume it will be $2k to $3k when it is done, it seems like a slow auction week. Factor in $400 to $700 for door to door delivery, or $150 and 20hrs of your time to fly out there and drive it back.
That's a pretty Prius! Ugh, every time I see one, I get so sad. I don't have the money just yet, but I will at the beginning of the year, so I'll start looking then. Whew. I want one soooo bad.
Have your dad cosign a loan for you. I had my mom do the same to get my Prius since I too have no credit because I'm a youngin'. I paid absolutely nothing upfront for my car. Smart shopping can get you a good deal
Is that possible? See, my Dad had open-heart surgery back in 2006, and a divorce in 2008 that brought his credit down. So no matter what, he'd be denied. He got denied for a 2010 Insight LX, but I think I have credit. Brad used to have a credit car with my name on it that has always been paid off. Perhaps he doesn't have the card anymore seeing how we no longer speak, but if I were to get a loan, and him, with his bad credit, could co-sign. Is that possible?